Chapter 53

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After Ricky drops me back at my place, I get to work on perfecting a bit of my song and then I decide on showering before getting dressed for the date tonight. I put on a little makeup and my red lipstick before deciding on wearing the red flowered dress that I had just bought. It was way out of my comfort zone, but something about the decision made me feel powerful and like I was in control. Just as I'm putting the finishing touches on my outfit and slipping on my shoes, I hear a knock at my apartment door and I take a deep breath. This is it, my first post-EJ date and even though it was with someone I trusted it was still slightly scary. I remember hanging off the back of my couch just a few weeks ago telling Kourtney I might never date again just because of the damage EJ did to me. Here I was though, adjusting my strappy-healed sandals and tugging at the fabric of my dress, about to go out with someone I really liked. I smile at the thought, at the growth I had managed, and I make my way over to open the door.

"Woah, fuck." Ricky greets me when I open the door to him. I instantly blush as he looks me up and down and I pull at the fabric of the low neckline. "Is it... is it too much? It probably is, I'm showing too much skin. Just gimme a sec and I can go-" Just as I'm about to turn away Ricky grabs my hand and his thumb rubs against my skin gently. "Hey stop no. You look fucking stunning and I am so lucky that you've chosen me to spend your evening with." I blush and bite my lip. "Yeah it was that or chicken nuggets on the couch and-" Ricky shakes his head laughing, pulling me closer to him and pressing a kiss to my cheek before cupping my jaw. "You're much more valuable than that, your presence is special and that's that." He says before pulling me into a deep kiss. I swear I feel my knees wobble as I press my hands to his waist and he holds me stable as he makes the kiss slower and deeper. My brain feels like it's short circuited and suddenly I forget how to breathe. When he breaks away from me, my brain is foggy. I clear my throat repeatedly and he grins, taking a deep breath. "Ready for dinner?" I nod and stutter before shaking my head to break the haze he put me in. "Yeah, let's go." I say, turning around to lock my apartment. I feel the back of Ricky's hand brushing against my bare shoulder and I shiver, goosebumps raising on my arms as he continues to do it soothingly. I take a deep breath and turn around, being met with his eyes sparkle as he loops his arm around my waist, leading me away from my apartment.

When Ricky and I get to the restaurant, he smiles like a child when we're seated outside with the twinkle lights. "Now I didn't even plan this." He says, laughing brightly at the fact that the setting sun and the twinkle lights made such a romantic situation. I blush and reach across the table to put my hand in his, taking a look around before meeting his eyes again. "Yeah well sometimes the universe just works out like that." Ricky grins and ducks his head just a little bit, the twinkle lights reflecting slightly on his wide brown eyes sending butterflies to my stomach. "You haven't seen anything yet." I grin and I feel the butterflies erupt again. "You're amazing." I admire and he shakes his head. "No, that's entirely you Nins. Now, are you a soda or alcohol type of girl?" I wince and shake my head. "You did not just say POP! Ricky you're such a Chicagoan." He laughs and covers his mouth. "Shut up baby, we've established you love this about me." I giggle and shake my head. "I don't knoww..." He cuts me off with a grin. "Answer the damn question Nins." I burst into laughter and smile curiously. "Definitely a soda girl. I don't really have to ask about you though do I?" Ricky mocks offense, his eyes sparkling. "Oh come on, just because I came home drunk to you once doesn't mean I'm not a pop sort of dude." Ricky covers his mouth and I laugh harder, taking a sip of my water and reaching across the table to pull his hand away from his mouth. "No don't worry, I do love that Midwest part about you." He grins and squeezes my hand. "And although I don't entirely believe you, I'll always admire a soda type of guy." Ricky laughs and shakes his head. "You're adorable." I blush hard and he rests his head in one of his hands. "I don't know if you know how much this means to me... you being here with me. It's just, really special and-" Ricky cuts me off and places a kiss to the back of my hand. "The feeling is entirely mutual." He says gently and we're cut off by the waiter who's come to take our order. I can't help but notice Ricky staring at me though as I order, a look of adoration though on his face and making my heart swell.

Dinner with Ricky goes by way too fast and I'm actually almost sad when we finish our dessert. "You good?" Ricky catches onto my expression and I shake my head to get out of my thoughts. "Yeah I'm being super ridiculous. I don't want our night to be over." I say and he grins, rubbing my arm gently. "It's far from over Nins." I tilt my head and he just grins, shaking his head. "You'll find out in a bit." He says proudly and I feel my heart beat picking up at the thought of what else he has planned.

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