the third chapter

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My excitement for the party tonight was high. It had been a while since I've reconnected with some of my Marvel friends and I was excited to see them all. I don't think I've seen Chris in a good couple months.

The entire day had actually crawled by; up until the time that I had to start getting ready. Then the next thing I knew, Anthony was waiting outside the penthouse I was renting for the time being.

It was close to sunset when I walked outside of the building and into the Hollywood streets. Of course, just as usual, it was busy and there were people walking all around.

Anthony had a car waiting out front, and I narrowly avoided the paparazzi shoving cameras in my face.

"Jesus, it's been bad this time. I can't get a few feet outside of the building." I said when I saw my friend sitting next to me.

"I know. They know we are all in town. Someone tipped them off or something." Anthony said. Then more relaxed, "Damn, look at you. How've you been? Congrats on the movie, by the way."

"Thanks," I laughed slightly. "I'm good though, thank you man. How's the wife and kids?"

"Kids are great. Wife... well, you know how it is." Anthony shrugged his shoulders. I remembered from the last time I saw him that they've been having some issues.

"I liked that movie, Triple Nine." I said.

Anthony's smiled returned and he nodded, laughing as he started to talk to me about the movie and behind the scene actions.

I listed and nodded my head, giving him the moment to tell me the funny stories, just to help his mood grow lighter. I'll have to remember not to bring that up again.

When he ran through his stories of the movie, he started to talk about the party tonight. "I heard like, everyone is going to be there. This is huge. It's so crazy. Have you heard anything real about the movie or...?"

"All I know is that we're filming the two parts back to back. I know absolutely nothing else."

"Well, the Russo's are directing it. I'm sure Downey knows what's going down. I know Stephen and Christopher wrote it. Oh, and Maeve too. I heard from Chris that she was a co writer instead of an intern on this movie."

"I thought she was a co writer for Civil War?"

"Nah, just an intern. She stepped into the big leagues for this one."

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