Chapter One

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(Fitz POV)
I hadn't told anyone yet. I really hadn't meant to find it.
I was in my father's office to steal the case report on Sophie disappearance. After she had gone, the Black Swan cut ties with everyone while they searched for her. But we knew we could help, if only they let us.
As I searched, I came across a small red book. I ran my fingers over the glossy cover and opened the book. It was my father's personal journal. I should have ignored it, but I thought it might have information on her. The first few pages were notes on Sophie's location before I found her from the Forbidden Cities. But the last page contained the list. The list my father had recently written in, based of the fresh ink.
It was a list of the Neverseen hideouts. All of the ones we had seen before and a few I didn't know. I knew he had been probing Alvar's mind any chance he got, I had no idea he had so many of the hideout locations though.
I had taken the book and ran back to my room, determined to tear apart ever single page until I found her. I had spent the entire week , locked up in my room, fearing that my father would burst through my door any minute demanding the journal.
Some of the locations had been written in code and I had to work for hours on deciphering it with no luck. When I had finally had a breakthrough, Grizel stole the journal and threatened to tell my father if I didn't sleep.
So here I was, lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling and going over the time I had seen Sophie.
We had been playing base quest and I was on her team. She was trying to teach me how to track minds, but I couldn't get it. She laughed and we joked around for a while before my father came out with a grave look on his face.
"Sophie, it's Grady and Edaline. The Neverseen have demanded to meet you"
I remember her stumbling and I reached out to catch her, but she pushed me away. She ran to Alden and he took her inside to our Leapmaster. I wanted to follow her, but Biana held me back.
"Sophie has to do this alone, we'll only make it worse if the Neverseen captures us to"
I sucked in a shaky breath, I had to stop hurting myself by thinking of her.
I flopped onto my side and watched as the moon moved slowly across the sky. It flickered for a second..... wait..... moons don't flicker.....
I grabbed the goblin throwing star my my bedside table. I hid behind the drapes as someone landed softly onto my balcony. The glass doors creaked open and I aimed my shot. A darkly cloaked figure stepped inside the room. They turned to face the other way and I saw the Neverseen symbol on their arms.
I threw the goblin throwing star and opened my mouth to yell for Grizel. The figure caught the star and clamped their hand over my mouth. A piece of blonde hair escaped from their tight hood.
I looked into the harsh brown eyes of my attacker. Sophie.

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