Chapter Thirteen

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(Sophie POV)
It had been three days of, "Do you remember this?" or "Look at this! This was your favorite...."
I was sick of the constant information they were squeezing into my brain. Not to mention the smug little Keefe Sencen. I hated him the most and made sure to distance myself from him. After the third day, I could tell they were getting desperate. I wasn't going to remember. But I had a plan. If I finished the Mind Wash on the Vacker boy, the Neverseen might come back for me. But how was I going to get him alone?
I lay in the squishy bed at the Black Swan's treehouse base. The stars were shining bright and I watched them, whispering the names to myself.
I turned to see Fit in my doorway. I knew he'd come. He cared for me and that had allowed me to weaken him.
He smiled, "Yeah. I heard whispering and I wanted to make sure you were okay"
I sat up and patted the edge of my bed, "Come and sit here, I want to talk"
I added in a flirtatious smile and it was hook, line, and sinker. He stood no chance. Fitz dashed to my bed and smiled again sheepishly.
"Can I go into your mind for a second, I just want to see some old memories. It might help"
He nodded, "Yeah, I think that could work"
I smiled and dove into his mind. It was normal, thoughts flowing around and memories bubbling up. But the bad memories sunk to the bottom of his mind. I started with those first, their elimination would frazzle him enough to give me time to finish.
"Sophie," he said nervously, "Can you stay away from those memories?"
I ignored him and grabbed the first one. I mentally wiped it down and the memory faded away. Fitz clutched his head and fell over. I continued wiping the memories and put a finger to his lips.
"Nothing personal, just doing my job"
He moaned and I glanced nervously at the door. I tried to hurry it up, but Washing someone's memory took time.
"Sophie? Fitz?!"
Dammit, interrupted again.
I looked up to see Biana staring at her brother horrified.
I gave her a nervous smile, "He got a headache and I was trying to help him"
Biana took a second to think, "I don't think telepaths can do that"
She turned her feet to run and I jumped up.
"Mr. Forkle!" She yelled.
Biana turned around and I shoved her head into the doorway. She crumpled to the floor and I levitated her. Footsteps arrived at my door just as I shoved her body into my closet.
"Miss Foster, we heard Biana shout my name. Is something going on?"
Mr. Forkle and the other kids leaned in to look, but I had already stuffed Fitz under the bed.
"Sorry, I didn't hear anything. But I'm pretty tired, can I go back to sleep now?"
Mr. Forkle nodded and apologized. I started to close the door when Fitz let out a load scream.
"Dammit Fitz!" I yelled.
They all burst into my room and Fitz crawled from under my bed. Dex opened my closet and Biana fell out, blood pooling around her. I tried to make a run for it, but the Sencen boy helped my hands tightly. His face looked betrayed and emotionless at the same time. Mr. Forkle surveyed Fitz's mind and turned around, "She was Washing his mind"

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