Chapter Twenty One

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(Fitz POV)
Most of it was gone. Family, friends.
And worst of all, I knew it was gone. I felt this hole in me that would never be filled. I would always have gaps in mind where memories should have been. The few memories I had left were basic. For one, I knew Biana was my sister.
I sat on the edge her of her bed. Physic knocked on the doorway. I didn't even turn to look at her, "You can come in". My voice sounded terse and rude, but I didn't apologize.
"Hey Fitz, I'm only here to check her brain damage again. I just want to see if it's improved" Physic's overwhelming smile made me want to escape from her soon to come hugs and hopeful promises, but I had to be there for Biana.
I knew Physic not only wanted, but needed Biana's brain to fixed. Just like I did. They always had always had a special bond, like sisters. I thought it must have been the sparkly mask Phsyic wore, but maybe it went deeper.
I grabbed her arm just as she uncorked an elixir, "Please, you have to tell me if she's getting better. Be honest" Answers were all I needed.
Physic sighed and put the bottle back onto the bedside table. "Fitz, she's been unconscious for three days. Nothing has been working. I'm going to hail Elwin. But if you want honesty, I don't know what to tell you"
I pulled away and stormed off, it wasn't good enough. Nobody was good enough.
Especially not me.
Mr. Forkle's office was untouched since he left and I locked the door quietly behind me. I grabbed books about elf anatomy, elixirs. Anything that could help Biana. As I poured over the books with silvery covers and a glow around them, I found myself conflicted. Biana was family, I would die for her. But I also loved Sophie, in a different way than Biana. I couldn't bring myself to blame her. This was the Neverseen's fault. I yelled in frustration and threw the books off the desk. The slams of them hitting the floor filled my ears, over and over again.
Nothing was helpful.
A knock came from the door, "Mr. Vacker, unlock this door right now"
Mr. Forkle.
I opened the door immediately and gave him a sheepish apology, "Sorry"
He looked at the books tossed across the room and turned to me, "Mr. Vacker, I have now made it your job to stop worrying about Miss Vacker. You should eat, get some rest. You're of no use to her if you die of starvation"
I nodded and pushed past him, heading to the main gazebo. I just wanted to get past the embarrassing moment. Mr. Forkle's sigh followed me down the wooden pathways of Alluvere.
The boat stood there, battered and covered in strings of seaweed, but not broken. My heart jump with sudden optimism and my feet pounded the wooden boards as I sprinted. Linh was helping an injured Keefe down from the boat, surprisingly strong given her lithe figure. A strange looking elf laid Dex onto the floor. I couldn't read his expression, but I didn't like it. I rushed over, "Is he alright?"
I couldn't lose another close friend, I wouldn't let everything be taken from me. Flashes of the day Sophie had "died", when the Neverseen took her and Dex, came flooding back. Dex would have died for Sophie too, he told me this a few weeks after they returned. I had said nothing in response.
The staring elf laughed and the memories dissolved like mallowmelt in my mind, "No, he's just unconscious"
I glared at him, angry at his nonchalant tone in a time like this. "Who are you?"
He leaned in, "I'm Captain Zalk to you. We were just helping your friends return"
I didn't have time to ask questions. More members of the Black Swan swarmed in and I was pushed to the edge of the gazebo. Why in the world was a captain doing here?
Keefe's hand lay across my shoulders harshly and he laughed, a thick grating sound that made me shiver in my dry clothes.
"Keefe, what happened?" I asked, pulling his hand away.
Keefe towards the railing to the edge, a hand pressed to his torso and through clenched teeth said, "Get Physic, now"
I nodded, but to myself I muttered. "A please would have been nice"
Physic was leaving Biana's room when I caught her. Her face said nothing short of hopelessness and I was feeling tired of being stuck. At least she could help Keefe.
I gestured to the gazebo, hoping the others would be more talkative with Livvy around. But before I could ask her, my eye caught Mr. Forkle escaping to down the stairs.
To Sophie.
I quickly pointed to the boat, "Help Keefe, he's down there"
Before Livvy could answer, I sprinted off towards Mr. Forkle direction. My feet blurred with the speed and I felt my heart dropping as I slid over a few steps. But nothing could make it race faster than my fear. My mouth was already open to ask the question when I reached the bottom, but I didn't need to. Mr. Forkle was standing in the doorframe of Sophie's cell.
Sophie's empty cell.

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