Chapter Three

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(Biana POV)
I was doing my alchemy homework when I heard Fitz's scream. Grizel's panicked steps ran past my room and I opened my door.
"What's going on?" I yelled.
My mother rushed past me and I sprinted after her. When she opened the door to Fitz's room, I vanished and slipped in, not wanting to be pushed out.
Fitz lay on the floor, pinned to the ground with a goblin throwing star. A small spot of blood stained his tunic and my mother turned to my father, "Call Elwin!"
Fitz gasped and sat up, "Get..... Mr. Forkle.... now!"
I unvanished and crouched next to him, "Why?"
My mother tried to push me away, but I repeated my question, "Why?"
He opened his mouth to say something, but Elwin shoves us out of the way and dropped next to him.
I grabbed my Imparter out of my pocket and called Mr. Forkle.
"This better be good Biana" Mr. Forkle grumbled.
"It's Fitz. He's hurt and he told us to call you" I said quickly, my eyes never leaving Fitz's body.
"I'll be right there"
Mr. Forkle signed off and I turned to Elwin, "Will he be alright?"
Elwin flashed a yellow orb, "Yes, I think so. There's no internal bleeding, just a little cut if you ask me"
"Don't make me look so cowardly" Fitz joked.
I smiled, Fitz almost never joked. I helped Elwin set him up in his bed and my mother ran off to make tea for everyone. To calm their nerves, was her excuse.
Mr. Forkle opened the door a few minutes later and we were all relieved. Fitz said he wouldn't speak of the attack until Mr. Forkle was here.
"Mr. Vacker, I'm here now and I assume everyone is waiting for you. Now why did you call me here?"
Fitz sat up with wide eyes, "The Neverseen sent a someone to find me. Whether they wanted to kill me or wash my mind, I don't know. Dad, I found your journal, the one with the Neverseen location, they must have found out and tracked it down. But that's not important. My attacker..... it was Sophie"
The room quieted and Mr. Forkle fell into deep thought. I couldn't believe, she was alive.
My father sat on the corner of Fitz's bed, "It should have been me Fitz. Now give me back my journal right now"
Grizel handed over a small red journal. Mr. Forkle walked out of the room and I followed him.
"Mr. Forkle! Wait!"
He turned around, "Biana, I need to go. I have just received some important information. The collective will need to hear about this"
"Wait! I have to know. Why would Sophie hurt Fitz? And why was she there in the first place?"
Mr. Forkle sighed, "Let's hope she did it to protect him. And I don't know why they would send her. But I have to go, Biana we'll talk later"
He turned away and walked quickly down the stairs. I leaned against the wall and took in the night's events. Sophie was alive. And I was going to find her.

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