Chapter Fourteen

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(Keefe POV)
After last night, we had to put Sophie in one of the cells below the tree. I couldn't believe this, I was trying to help her.
And as for Fitz, well he was still unconscious. As was Biana. We only had three more days and things were looking bleak. At the end of the week, the Black Swan would be without their Moonlark or their leader. We were all convinced there might not even be a Black Swan after this.
Mostly I was just furious at the Neverseen. I had already punched three walls in honor of Fitz and my hands were covered in bandages.
"Keefe, you really need to stop. Your knuckles have to heal"
I glanced away, I didn't care what Physic said.
After she wrapped them up again, I hopped of the bench and turned the corner to Mr. Forkle's office. He sat at his desk with bags under his eyes and papers scattered everywhere.
"Mr. Forkle?" I knocked on the door.
"Mr. Sencen? Ah yes, come in"
He shoved a stack of folders off a chair and I sat down.
"How can I help you today?"
"I was wondering if you had any ideas about Sophie. Just checking"
Mr. Forkle rubbed his face and sighed, "No, and if I'm being honest, I'm writing my letter of recommendation for my replacement"
I sighed and buried my head in my hands, "I just can't believe this is happening. It feels like a nightmare"
"I know" he patted my back.
I sniffled and opened my eyes. I was staring at an open astronomy book. I almost closed my eyes again, but one of the stars caught my eye.
I wiped my nose and lifted the book up.
The Bevillia Star is commonly used when a patient suffers from amnesia or for criminals with memories to hide. Its powerful mental surge can often push hidden memories to the surface.
I grabbed the books and shoved it over to Mr. Forkle.
"Look! Read this!!"
He read the passage, then rubbed his glasses and reread it. His eyes filled with the same hope mine had.
"Keefe, get the others!"
I sprinted into the hallway and yelled, "Everyone! Come now! I think I have a way to fix Sophie!"
Dex and the Song Twins ran from their rooms and they each took a turn reading the passage.
"But where can you find this star?" Linh asked, always the logical one.
I grabbed the book and my face dropped as I read, "The Bevillia Star can only be harvested from Alkazad"
Alakazad was known for being a harsh unforgiving place. It was mostly raging sea expect for one tiny island. No one had made a pathfinder to the island, only one that lead into the sea.
"Anyone up for some sailing?" I grinned.

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