Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Keefe POV
The ropes dig painfully into my wrists but it is exhilarating. My mind is running a million miles an hour, trying to memorize every turn and hallway of the base. Yet I can't help trailing off and getting distracted by the image of brown eyes.
God, why did I have to fall so hard?
Fitz grunts beside me and the men pushing us yank us forward. We pass under an arch of pure, black stone and I see four figures with bags over their heads and gags around their mouths.
Fitz makes a strangled sound and my heart aches knowing his sister is one of the figures. And his mother. Alden wanted to come, but we decided to have him stay. Dex's mom is also one of the figures, she wanted to be there to protect her son. I guess that didn't turn out too well. Lastly there was the hulking Sandor. I could hear his angered breathing from here. At least we found them.
The Neverseen members push us into a line beside them and I sway slightly to the side.
"We found her but she wouldn't come." I whisper.
Sandor leans my way and I can hear his voice being muffled by the gag. "Three of you and one of her, how hard is it?"
I narrow my eyes, "Yeah three of us and the Moonlark."
Sandor's voice softens. "Three of you and a girl you love."
I scoff but don't deny it. He's right. It would have been easier if I didn't love her so much. I'm an Empath and right now even I am hating emotions.
My thoughts are interrupted by the unmistakable Fintan stepping in our directions. The smallest flame plays on his fingers subconsciously but I don't shy away. There is no way I am showing him any fear.
"At this point I feel it's honestly expected to see all of you here. Really, do you ever take a break being hero?" Fintan pokes at us with his words.
I meet his gaze grinning. "Well you know, we happen to have loyalty and love to help us. That means people like us in case you'd don't know."
His boot connects firmly into my stomach and I double over, still smirking.
Fintan brushes off his hands, "Your mother protects you from death, but I would be more careful with your words. There are worse things then dying."
I bite my tongue since I don't doubt him. Like a snake, Gethen slithers out from the shadows in the corner and joins by Fintan's side.
"Well? What now?" Gethen asks impatiently.
Fintan eyes each of us carefully, "The Sencen boy we'll keep of course. Perhaps the ogre camps could find use with rest of them."
I can hear Sandor's ropes tightening in his rage. I find myself unsurprisingly calm though. I look back up to Fintan. "Quick question, think you could tell me the time? You can do that, right?"
Fintan looks threateningly down at me but he doesn't move. "Any why do you want to know?"
I smile. "Early curfew."
Fintan laughs, raises his eyebrows, then answers. "Time for you to have a little family reunion."
I scowl as my mother's heels clicks against the floor, but it is not her presence that upsets. I need to know the time, I can't be late. They'll be here in minutes and I still haven't done my part.
"You're slouching."
"You're evil."
She scoffs and I roll my eyes. Always ruining our games. I look over and I know Fintan is itching to leave. What are they waiting for? Although they could be thinking the same about me.
Fitz pretends to fall to his hands weakly and whispers quickly into my ear. "Keefe we need to move."
I nod as one of the cloaked figures pushes Fitz back up. I silently send a prayer up and my foot slides up, ready to stand up.
But a voice freezes me mid position.
"Damn it you guys, having all the fun without me."
Sophie strides into the room and the sight of her beside Fintan and my mother makes me retreat to darker parts of my mind.
"Sophie?" Fitz asks raggedly.
I can't tell if he is buying time or genuinely surprised to find her joining us.
Sophie grins and I watch her eyes light up. I used to be able to make her do that.
"The one and only of course."
Fintan places a hand heavily in her shoulder and I can see him watching us intently, enjoying the anguish in our faces. He is pleased with mine as my eyes flare with anger deeper than my own self hatred. "Now, why don't we get a move on? I promise I'll let you have your fun later."
Sophie shrugs off his arm and she starts to follow Fintan as they make their way out of the room. I sigh and shake my head in preparation, I have to go now.
My feet scramble to a standing position and before anyone can stop me, I yank the square of metal of out my pocket and press the button sitting on top of it quickly. For a second nothing happens and even Fintan holds his breath.
Then I hear a faint sound of booming. It slowly gets louder and louder as the guards grab the button from me and push me back down but it is too late.
We wanted to be caught.
We needed to be here.
The sky erupts and the Black Swan falls in.

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