Chapter Eighteen

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(Dex POV)
To say Keefe was furious that we were leaving him in the boat was a huge understatement.
"C'mon! Look, I can stand!" He complained.
Keefe tried to sit up but Mr. Forkle pushed him down, "Don't leave this bed Mr. Sencen"
His tone was apparently threatening enough for Keefe to stop trying to stand. Didn't shut him up though.
"Did you get it yet?!" He yelled.
We had barely been gone for one minute. I gritted my teeth and shivered in the freezing water, "No, shut up Keefe"
I trudged on and noticed Linh swirling her hand in the water. I snuck up behind her, "What are you doing?"
She jumped and smiled, "Nothing, it's just....."
Her brows scrunched for second and she thought, "The water, it's angry. And so sad. I want to help it"
Tears flowed down her cheeks and I pulled her hand out of the water, "We should go"
Linh let me lead her onto the island while Mr. Forkle set up the telescope. Tam glared at me, but I stayed by Linh's side until the tears stopped.
"Mr. Dizznee! I need you!" Mr. Forkle yelled.
I squeezed Linh's hand and ran over to the telescope.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing, just aim the telescope. Mr. Song?"
Tam shuffled over, "Yeah?"
"You're going to collect the light. I don't know how powerful it is, but maybe your shadows can stop it from killing us all. Now, c'mon, we'll only have a short time before the clouds cover it again"
I held the telescope while Tam tipped the glass bottle to the edge of it. We waited until the clouds passed and a shining star winked at us.
"It's.......... beautiful" I whispered.
The starlight seemed to fill the sky and I couldn't help smiling.
But Mr. Forkle's hurried voice broke my trance, "Now!"
I aimed the telescope at the star and its light began to fill the bottle. Me and Tam tried to look away, the starlight was blinding.
"Don't look at it!"
Mr. Forkle covered the bottle with a heavy black cloth. "If you see it, the mental surge will go through your mind, not Sophie's. It only works once. Now let's go back to the boat"
As we walked back through the raging waters, I noticed the world was eerily quiet.
"Keefe? Are you alright?" I asked.
No answer. We all shared the same glances and I dove into the water, swimming quickly towards the boat. Water filled my eyes and mouth, but I didn't stop. Keefe was my friend, and he would have swum to me too.
When I reached the boat, a meaty hand yanked me from the water and slammed me onto the boat deck. I quickly flipped around and stared at the elves in front of me.
"Pirates" I whispered.

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