Chapter Twelve

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(Keefe POV)
They had drugged me. And they had taken Foster away from me.
I woke up back in my old room at Candleshade, sweating. I flipped a tear soaked pillow over and watched as the sun cracked through my drapes.
I couldn't save her.
I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, or when my father had barged into my room.
"Keefe Sencen, this it ridiculous. Get up right now!"
I ignored his yelling and he yanked me out of bed. "Listen Keefe, I can't understand what you're going through. But it's embarrassing. I don't see how you can even care for this girl"
"Thanks" I mumbled.
"But you obviously do, so you can't lie in bed and do nothing. Get get her"
I looked up and saw my dad's face beaming with determination. For once, I felt like he supported me. I dashed out of my room and slid down our banister.
The Leap Master stood, dusty and unused ever since Sophie had disappeared.
"The Council Court!" I yelled.
I was getting Sophie Foster back.
I sprinted through the light and onto soft carpet. Most of the jury was supposed to see me, but they were all focused towards the front. I turned around to see Sophie staring at Mr. Forkle.
"Stop!" I yelled.
The council looked out at me and one of them stood, "Keefe Sencen, we don't want to use physical force but please leave the premises"
"Wait! I'm here to advocate for Sophie"
Mr. Forkle smiled and the guards flocking him pulled him back. I would have to save him later, but first came Sophie. I strode up to her chair and she stared daggers at me.
"Sorry Foster" I whispered.
She scoffed and I began my case, "Sophie has been under the influence of the Neverseen. The old Sophie would never do this and you know that"
"And what do you propose Mr. Sencen?"
I smiled and began to tell them the plan I had thought of on the way there."Give us one week to get her memory back, if not, the mind break will continue"
Even as I said the words, I flinched at the thought of a drooling, thoughtless Sophie.
The council whispered among themselves and I was worried I might lose. But they seemed to have hearts and they answered, "We will agree to your conditions and we will return Mr. Forkle. But at the end of the week, you will hand over both Miss Foster and Mr. Forkle and we will end the Black Swan once and for all"
I nodded, one week. That would be enough, right?
Mr. Forkle was released and he held up his pathfinder. My friends jumped down from the jury and I grabbed their hands.
"One week" I whispered.
I turned to Sophie and she looked away. But she understood her situation, "I'll come with you" she spat.
Instead of holding our hands, she walked through alone and we followed after her.
One week to get back Sophie Foster.

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