Chapter Sixteen

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(Sophie POV)
"Hey Foster"
I didn't even need to look up to know it was the Sencen boy. I turned my back to him, but he sat next to me.
"What do you want?!" I yelled.
He threw me a smug smile and pushed a plate of mallowmelts to me. As delicious as they looked, I couldn't trust him.
"I bet those are drugged too" I spat.
His ever lasting smile faltered for a second, but then he shoved one of them into his mouth.
"More for me then"
"So what? You just came down here to let me watch you eat?"
He ignored my question, "You know, we're going sailing tomorrow. The old you would probably tell me it was too dangerous"
I tugged on an eyelash furiously, why did everyone keep bringing up some old me? He offered me a mallowmelt and this time I took it. If I was going to fake remembering everything, I might as well learn more about this 'Old Sophie'.
"So, what was she like?" I asked tentatively.
He smiled, "She was always so protective of us. She never wanted any help, she never wanted to hurt us. She would've laid down her life for anyone in the Lost Cities. She was....... perfect"
I smiled, but a part of me crumpled. I was unhappy with who I was, I wished I could've been this girl. She had friends, she was loved. Maybe even loved by Keefe.
I turned to him, "Tell me everything"
He grinned again and started from the beginning, when I first came to the Lost Cities, meeting Silveny, going to Foxfire. He even told me about the Neverseen and being kidnapped. I rubbed my burned wrists, he couldn't be right, could he? The Neverseen told me they saved me from a burning building when I was a child. But I always had a bad feeling about my wrist burns.
The whole night was magical, Keefe's eyes light up whenever spoke about me. It felt nice to have a friend again.
"Miss Foster? Mr. Sencen?"
Mr. Forkle stood in the doorway and smiled.
Keefe blsuhed, "I was just........ trying to jog her memory"
"Any luck?"
I shook my head, "But I wish I could've been this girl"
They looked hopeful, that was enough for them.
"You too should really get some sleep, Mr. Sencen we leave early tomorrow"
He groaned dramatically and I laughed. Maybe, one day, I could be this girl.

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