Chapter Seven

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(Sophie POV)
I woke up trapped in some sort of crystal prison. I moved around my room silently so not to alert the goblin guard outside my door. I had already tried to connect to Gethen's mind, but a circlet around my head blocked out all my abilities.
I growled in frustration, I had been trying to crack open the window for an hour now. A knock came from the door and I dashed to the bed just as the woman came in.
Her eyes were puffy from crying and she carried a plate of delicious smelling food. She placed it on the bed and turned to me hopefully, "Sophie?"
I had learned to stop asking how they knew my name. Instead I shoved the platter of food to the ground and turned my back to her. Sobbing, she cleaned up the mess and carried the tray away.
"Miss Foster?"
Great. Another elf trying to convince me I wasn't part of the Neverseen. But when I turned around, I saw the goblin guard with the same eyes everyone else shared. Full of hope.
"Let me guess," I spat, "You were my guard in this so called other life I had"
The goblin nodded, thinking I was remembering.
"And we were friends" I said softly.
He smiled and I smirked, "I would never befriend did a goblin like you. Your kind doesn't belong here and they never will"
The goblin's eyes flashed with anger and he slammed my door behind him. I chuckled, well at least he hadn't tried to tell me the Neverseen was bad.
I pulled the covers around me, feeling cold without my usual heavy black cloak. I still had my dark tunic and leather pants, but I was stripped of the Neverseen symbol.
The strange, fluffy creature farted in its cage for what seemed like the fourth time that morning.
I covered my nose and regretted not asking the woman to remove him. Another knock came from the door and I just hoped the person would take the stupid creature away.
Lady's Gisela's son, Keefe, was the one to step into the room.
I rolled my eyes at him, "What do you want Sencen?"
He frowned and sat on the edge of my bed. "Look, I know you don't remember me Foster. But I'm not here for that. I have some questions. About my mother"
I scoffed, "You must be an idiot as well as a disappointment to think I would actually tell you that"
His eyes squinted in determination, just like Lady Gisela's did and I saw the idea come to me. "How about this, you get this circlet off of me for five minutes and I'll tell you everything I know"
His eyes were desperate, I knew that. I looked out the window while I waited for him to decide.
"Alright. Five minutes" he said.
I smiled, five minutes would be plenty of time to take him down and teleport back to the Neverseen. Keefe opened his Imparter and called the technopath boy, Tex or something like that.
When the other boy arrived, Keefe let him in quickly and told the goblin that they just wanted to talk to Sophie.
"Keefe, why did you call me here?" The boy asked, trying to avoid my smug gaze.
"Can you take off her circlet for five minutes? Please? She promised to tell us everything about the Neverseen"
The boy refused at first, but Keefe, much like his mother, persuaded him in less than a minute.
The boy held the circlet and looked me in the eyes, "You promise?"
"Pinkie swear" I said innocently, laughing inside about the boys' idiocy.
The boy took a deep breath and lifted the circlet off of my head. I took a moment clear her my mind before turning to the nervous boys.
"Well, you're both idiots"
I quickly inflicted on them and they fell to the floor. I almost ran right there, but I knew that if I took Keefe, Lady Gisela's wouldn't punish me for screwing up the mission.
"Let's go pretty boy" I grunted under his weight, then levitated him.
I used Keefe's body to smash through the window and jump out, never once looking back.

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