Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Sophie POV, a few minutes before last chapter)
The bags under my eyes felt comforting and home-like. Never a night in the Black Swan hideout did I manage to sleep. My back arched against the padded walls and I pressed my head to my knees, closing my eyes for just a second. I didn't know what was going on, but the entire base reeked of silence.
My heart cozied heavily in my chest. All night my mind had replayed Keefe's stories. I compared them to my own memories from the Neverseen. I would have given anything to be that girl. For a second, I almost believed I could. But I would never. The only people who were right were the Neverseen. I only hoped these sadly desperate people would stop letting themselves be disappointed. Their hope was starting to cling to me like a disease.
A loud thud echoed outside my door, breaking my reverie. I was up and on my feet in seconds. I kept my knees bent and raised my arms in attack mode. Silently I cursed the Black Swan for removing my weapons.
There was a rusty, clinking metal sound the the lock popped. The door swung open mysteriously, but my arms lowered at the sight of the assailant.
"Gethen?" My eyes started to water.
Gethen burst though and enveloped me in a tight hug. I let his arms wrap around me happily. If there was anyone I shared a fatherly bond with, it was him. Gethen had been my mentor since day one and I wouldn't want it any other way.
He pulled away nervously, "Are you okay, did they hurt you?"
I shook my head and smiled, the tears gone. "No, I'm fine"
Gethen head cocked as he heard commotion from above. A loud slamming, followed by scraping metal on wood. He quickly pulled out the light green pathfinder and yanked me with him into the halls of the dungeons. Without even questioning him, I ran.
We dashed up a set of stairs on the side and appeared out in a thin balcony. Light shone easily from everywhere and he held the pathfinder up.
He looked back and I took his hand. "Let's go home" I whispered.
Gethen hand tightened on my own and we embraced the sudden shimmer of light.

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