Chapter Six

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(Fitz POV)
She was a Washer. I couldn't believe it.
Her statement hung in the air and I stumbled back.
"Fitz?" Biana ran over to me.
I showed her away and sat up, "I'm fine"
I looked at Sophie, but she glared and looked away. Suddenly I heard footsteps from behind me and turned around to see Grady and Edaline beelining for Sophie.
"Sophie!" Edaline exclaimed.
I tried to warn them, but they pulled her in for a hug.
"Get off me!" Sophie yelled and kicked them away.
Edaline's eye filled with tears, "Sophie?"
Grady turned to Mr. Forkle, his face red with anger. "What happened to her?"
Mr. Forkle rubbed his face and looked at me, "Fitz, have you looked inside Sophie's head?"
"No, you meant to teach me how but you never did"
He sighed again, "Well if you had, you would know that the Neverseen wiped us out of her mind completely. We don't exist to her"
Sophie glared at him, "What do you mean? The Neverseen would never do that. Now I don't know who you are but I would give up now if I were you. Gethen will be coming for me along with the rest of the Neverseen. And don't think I won't hesitate to kill you!" She yelled the last word and Edaline burst out crying into Grady's shoulder.
"She's right, we have to move her" Mr. Forkle reached into his pocket and drew out a clear liquid.
Sophie took one look at it and immediately started to struggle against Keefe grip.
"Look, Miss Foster, I know you hate sedatives but when this is all over you're going to thank me"
Mr. Forkle moved towards her and Sophie screamed. I looked away as he forced it down her throat. I only opened my eyes again when she had stop and now lay slumped against Keefe.
Mr. Forkle lifted her up and turned to Edaline and Grady, "I'd like her to return to Havenfield with you. She'll have to wear the ability restrictor, Dex? Do you have it?"
Dex nodded miserably, "Good. Sandor can keep an eye on her while I figure out how to restore her memories"
Grady took Sophie from Mr. Forkle and I stood up, "Mr. Forkle, wait! Is it even possible to restore wiped memories?"
We all turned to look at him and he returned our gaze, "There is only one elf in the entire world who can restore wiped memories. Miss Foster"
As soon as he said it, I felt this heavy helplessness press down on my chest. I couldn't save her, I couldn't do anything.
As Grady and Edaline shimmered away with Sophie, I caught up with Mr. Forkle.
"What are we going to do?" I asked, hoping he would tell me a detailed plan to get the Sophie I know back.
Instead he gave me a sad smile, "For now Mr. Vacker, there is nothing we can do"

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