Chapter Seventeen

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(Keefe POV)
The morning of was filled with last minute checks, everyone was nervous. And after sharing last night's conversation I had with Sophie, we were more determined than ever. But the worst possible thing happened, Tam wouldn't call me Captain Keefe.
"C'mon! Just once!" I whined.
Tam's bangs swished as he shook his head, "It takes everything for me to simply call you Keefe instead of Idiot. You're pushing it"
Linh twirled her hair playfully and slapped Tam on the back of the head, "Show Captain Keefe a little respect Tammy"
He glared at her, but Linh smiled.
"Kids, get on the boat. We leave soon"
Mr. Forkle wheezed and climbed into the boat.
"Are you sure it's okay for you to be on the boat?" I asked nervously.
Mr. Forkle scowled at me and back flipped off the boat.
"Anything more you want to say Mr. Sencen?"
My cheeks turned bright red, "N-no sir"
I pulled myself up and onto the boat. The others followed and Mr. Forkle handed us life jackets.
"Can't we just levitate?" Dex asked.
"Waves can knock you down. And Linh, no, you can't control these kinds of waves. Evil things...."
Mr. Forkle looked off into the distance and I didn't plan on asking what he meant.
As soon as the boat was ready, Blur opened the light path, and we pushed the boat with our telepathy. It groaned slightly before sliding into the light and falling through a gray sky.
We screamed as clouds passed around us and I clutched the sides of the boat queasily.
"Hold on! And get ready!" Mr. Forkle shouted.
The boat splashed into the raging sea and a giant wave of water doused all of us. Linh spat the water out of her mouth, "I forgot what it was like to be covered in water"We all laughed, humor was the only thing we had right now.
I yanked on the rope next to my foot and the sails bloomed outward.
"Full speed ahead!" Mr. Forkle yelled and point to a gray dot on the horizon.
Waves constantly battered down on us and shook the boat. Dex flipped over and threw up into the sea.
He wiped his mouth and held his stomach, "So much for lunch"
I tried to keep the rope steady, but a gust of wind yanked the end, with me behind it. I flew off the side of the boat and Linh screamed. The winds slammed me against the side of the boat and I groaned as something in my ribs popped.
Mr. Forkle and my friends all gripped the rope and hauled me over the side.
"Are you alright?" Mr. Forkle asked.
I moved to sit up, but my rib cage screamed in pain and I laid back down.
"It's my ribs, I think I broke them"
Mr. Forkle grabbed the pathfinder but I stopped him. "Just hold the rope steady and use the rudder to steer. We have to get that starlight"
Tam grabbed the rudder and Dex grabbed the rope. Linh helped pull me under the boat and levitated me onto one of the beds.
She stayed with me, whimpering every time her brother slammed onto the boat deck.
"This.... was a very bad idea" I said in raspy voice.
Linh handed me a cup of water and left to go up on the boat deck. The boat finally smashed up into a sand bar near the island.
Mr. Forkle came down, "Mr. Sencen, we're here"

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