Chapter Two

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(Sophie POV)
He had tried to throw a goblin star at her.
Silly boy.
I smiled and Fitz gasped.
"Sophie?" He whispered.
I was caught off guard, "How do you know my name? Who told you?"
I pushed the goblin star deep into his ribs and Fitz grunted.
"No one told me anything. It's me...... Fitz"
"I know, Gethen briefed on your case. But how do you know me?"
I pierced the edge of his skin and Fitz screamed. I dropped his body and footsteps thudded up the stairs loudly. I had let myself get distracted. Gethen was going to kill me.
I picked up the goblin star and pinned Fitz's shirt on the floor.
"I'll be back" I hissed.
I dashed out the window and fell to the ground, teleporting right before it hit me.
I stumbled onto the misty grass of the Neverseen base. I tried to stand up shakily, but my legs betrayed me and I flopped onto the ground. Gethen ran out of the tunnel and crouched beside me.
"Sophie? What's wrong?"
I could feel his mind pushing against her impenetrable wall, but he never broke through.
Gethen helped me sit up, but I needed answers. "The boy, Fitz, he knew me. How?
Gethen's face flashed with fear and he handed me a bottle of youth.
"Take this and stay here, I'll be right back"
He sprinted back into the dark tunnels and I flicked open the cork. Just the smell of the elixir dulled the pain in my ankles. I chugged the whole bottle and tossed it onto the grass. Grunting, I pulled myself up. I was going to have to work on her landings.
Gethen returned with Lady Gisela in tow. I limped over to them.
"Stop avoiding my questions, how did the target know my name?"
Lady Gisela smiled and I could tell something was up, "Ms. Foster, you are aware that as the Moonlark, your name is very well known. But you have to be more careful on your next mission, the Black Swan knows you're alive. And they will be more determined that ever to capture you"
"I'll never give them the chance" I gritted her teeth and Lady Gisela looked down at my scratched ankles.
"You'll have to work on your landings Miss. Foster. I'll see you when your next mission arrives"
Lady Gisela turned on her heel and Gethen strode after her, deep in conversation. I limped through a different tunnel. As soon as I walked into the shadows my eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. I turned the corner and opened a heavy wooden door. Behind it was my room, just a simple bed, table, and bathroom in the corner.
I stripped off my sweaty clothes and turned on the cold shower. Why the Neverseen thought black was a good color was beyond me.
I shivered under the freezing water. The hideout never had warm water, Gethen said it was to harden the recruits but everyone knew that wasn't the reason.
I stepped out of the shower and dried off, thinking about the boy, Fitz. As I changed, I contemplated washing his mind right then and there, but Gethen warned me the Black Swan could track her mind traces.
A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts and I opened the door to see Ruy standing there.
"What?" I said, glaring at him.
"Gethen needs you in the arena. To work on your landings" Ruy smirked and I pushed past him angrily.
Just like Ruy had said, Gethen was waiting for me, arms crossed.
"Miss Foster, stand on the box"
I stepped up onto the wooden crate that Gethen had gestured to. We spent at least three hours working on my landings. Gethen pulled out shorter boxes every time and soon I only needed two and half feet to teleport.
When we were finished, I started to limp away, but Gethen spoke up.
"Good job Miss Foster"
I waved an arm at him, "I don't need your praise. It's about as worthless as the food here" Gethen scoffed and I smiled.
As I lay in her bed that night, I thought about the boy, Fitz. I just couldn't get his familiar eyes out my head. He looked at me like he had known me for years. There had to be another reason he knew my name. But how?

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