Chapter Nineteen

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(Dex POV)
One of the elves laughed and leaned into my face. His morning breath was awful. "Yeah, pirates"
I knew that there were pirates in the Forbidden Cities, or at least there had been a long time ago. I had no idea there were elven pirates.
The man pulled the rest of my friends up and they tied us to the mast. At least they were traditional, I thought.
"Now," said one of the pirates while he sharpened his sword, "What's your business around here? And with Bevillia starlight none the less"
Mr. Forkle looked him in the eye, "It's for a friend, they forgotten something important. Please, you have to give it back"
The pirates hooted and laughed, "We don't have to do anything"
I struggled under the bonds but it was no use. The pirates checked our pockets, and I realized Keefe wasn't on the deck. Where was he?
I leaned over to Tam, "Keefe's not here"
Tam surveyed the deck, "You're right. Maybe they tossed him off"
The same pirate slammed our heads together, "Shut up!"
I felt myself falling to the ground. The ropes caught me and I shook my head to clear the ringing out of my ear.
I looked down at my feet and saw Keefe in one of the puddles, crouched in the shadows behind us. In his hand he held a goblin throwing star. I nodded to him and he passed me the star. As the pirates searched the rest of the boat, we passed around the star and cut our ropes.
I grabbed one of the gadgets from my pocket, "Hey pirates!" I yelled.
They turned around and I flung the metal disk at them. It latched onto one of them and he fell to the ground.
Chaos descended as Keefe passed us all throwing stars and the battle begun. I  looked up at a tall elf grunting his way towards me. I pretty sure my life flashed before my eyes.
"Dex!" Linh screamed.
I jumped onto a pile of rope just before the elf lunged at me. I pulled the rope towards me and tried to lasso the elf, like Sophie had told me 'cowboys' did.
But I wasn't a cowboy and the rope fell to the deck. The man laughed and yanked the end, dragging me across the floor. My head smashed into the mast and everything went dark. 

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