Chapter Nine

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(Sophie POV)
I have to admit, having Keefe around was nice. He agreed that the food was awful, joked around behind the leaders' backs, and even snuck me a few weapons into my room in case I would ever need them.
And Lady Gisela was oblivious to our lie. Neverseen training helped me and I assumed Keefe's empathy had helped him.
"Ohhhhh Foster!"
I smiled and looked back, "What?"
Keefe smiled at me, "We have our first mission together. It's an extraction mission, and I was wondering what that was"
I felt myself fill with cold dread. Extraction missions were the worst. Keefe shivered, "I'm feeling some strong dread Foster. What's an extraction mission?"
I couldn't tell him, not until I knew my role. "What did she say you're doing?" I whispered.
"She said I would be the Retriever and you would Extract. Hey, what's going on?"
I fumbled with my hair and avoided his eye contact, "It means I have to extract information that has been erased from someone's mind, but they still have a physical copy. Keefe, I have to torture someone"
Keefe looked at me seriously, "I won't let you do that. I'll talk to my mother"
"No Keefe, it's fine. Since I'm an Inflictor, I've done a lot of these. I just hate them, that's all" I mumbled.
Keefe was concerned, "A lot?"
I nodded, "We should go. Lady Gisela will be waiting for us"
I walked quickly through the tunnels and Keefe ran behind me. Just as I had predicted, Lady Gisela stood in the center room where all the tunnels connected.
She smirked at the sight of us, "A little late, aren't we?"
Keefe's face went from concerned to robotic, "Yes, sorry mother"
"Now that's more like it. Sophie, you'll be extracting information from one of the councillors, Councillor Emry. We have to know what their next move on the Neverseen will be. Keefe is really here to tag along and see how a real mission works. Ready?"
I swallowed hard and grabbed Keefe's hand, "Ready"
Lady Gisela frowned at our hands, but lifted the leap crystal up to the tiny crack of light. I pulled Keefe through the light and let the Neverseen hideout shimmer away.
We walked into a deserted alley and I recognized the street.
"Councillor Emry lives just down the street"
Keefe stared at me funny, "What? I was briefed on all the councillors in my training. C'mon, let's hurry up"
We slipped into the street and sneaked past the other councillor houses. Emry's had a green tinted crystal mansion, which I scoffed at. Stupid councillors with their crystal everything. We dived through a chunk of bushes and snaked past the guards. Once at the back of the house, I had a good view of Emry's office window.
"Right there" I pointed it out to Keefe and we scaled the tree beside the window.
I saw Councillor Emry reading an official looking document with his back turned to us. Perfect.
"Alright, you are the Retriever. Just clamp the device to the door and no one will hear us. And be sure to close the window"
Keefe face was turning queasy and I snapped my fingers, "C'mon, we don't have the time"
We slipped into the office and Keefe shut the window behind us. He clamped the device to the door and turned to the councillor, "I so sorry"
Councillor Emry looked up and paled at our Neverseen symbols.
"W-what? Help! Someone!" He dashed for a leap crystal but I kicked it out of the way.
"Tie him up" I shouted to Keefe.
As Keefe finished tying the knots, I explained ourselves to Councillor Emry.
"Don't bother yelling, no one can hear you. Now I understand that you have information on the council's next move on the Neverseen. Tell me and we can finish this quickly"
"I don't want to repeat myself"
"Please, I can't! You don't understand-"
I turned on my Inflciting and he fell to the ground trashing. Keefe itched the thinking cap that protected him, "Hey Foster, stop"
I ignored him and turned up the pain. Councillor Emry screamed and I crouched down next to him. "Just tell me"
"Foster, stop right now" Keefe's voice was dead serious and I turned around.
"Keefe, I have to do this. I was made to do this, okay? Just stand back like your mother told you"
Keefe looked at me sadly before putting his hands over his ears and closing his eyes. Weak.
I turned back to Emry, "Well?"
"Okay, I'll tell you"
Tears were streaming down his cheeks and I stopped Inflicitng. I helped to sit him up in a chair and he handed me a scroll.
"This was all I was given. I approve it and had the memory of the plan erased for safety. But Sophie, please, you have to stop"
I turned to Keefe and he lowered his hands.
"Keefe, I need you to leave"
I struggled with the next words, "He knows who we are. I have to kill him"
Keefe turned pale and Councillor Emy sobbed.
"Sophie, please-"
"Keefe, leave right now. I'll meet you back outside"
He looked torn for a moment before shimming back down the tree branch. Once he was out of sight, I turned to the Councillor, "Don't worry, I'll make it quick"
He didn't have time to protest because I had already thrown the goblin throwing star. I looked away and climbed out the window, leaving my doubts behind.
Keefe was close to white when I walked back up to him.
"Foster, how could you?"
"You don't understand, this is my purpose. I was made to be a weapon"

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