Chapter Eight

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(Keefe POV)
She's betrayed me. Foster had betrayed me.
The last thing I remembered was Sophie using me a human battering ram, then everything turned black. When I woke up, the room was pitch black and I questioned whether I was really awake.
Someone chuckled from behind me. My mother.
"Lady Gisela?" I called out.
Her voice was threatening, "It's mother to you dear"
I scoffed, "Never"
Suddenly bright lights flashed through the room and I fell back. It was a completely empty room. My mother stood in front of me and Sophie leaned against the wall with puffy red eyes.
"What did you do to her?" I shouted.
"Don't take that tone with me dear. And I have done nothing to her. But enough about that, let's talk about you"
I chuckled, "Is this were you tell me your big plan and then I escape and tell the Black swan and boohoo, Mommy's plan is ruined"
She laughed, "Dear, I've learned my lesson about your loyalties. I'll be back tomorrow, after Sophie finishes her job"
My mother yanked Sophie to me and strode our the room, locking the door behind her. As soon as she was gone, Sophie let out a sob and tried to cover it up.
I ran over and hugged her, grateful that she didn't push me away.
"Sophie, what's wrong?" I asked, checking her for wounds.
"It's Gethen"
I was confused, "Why so you care about him?"
"He might be an entitled idiot, but he was my mentor"
I sucked in a breath, "Did she kill him?"
Sophie shook her head and Keefe breathed a sigh of relief, "Then why are crying Foster?"
She glared at me, "He's being punished by Fintan for letting me get captured. It should have been me"
She pushed me away and wiped her tears, "But maybe if I finish this job, he won't be killed"
"What job?" I asked, while backing up into the wall.
"Your mother needs me to wipe your mind and replace your memories. Don't worry, it won't hurt, too much" Sophie gave him a sinister smile.
"W-wait! My turn to make a deal"
Sophie backed off and I breathed a sigh of relief, "We'll pretend that you did it. And look, I'll be your friend. It might be nice to have an ally on the other side"
Sophie tugged at her eyelash and I smiled, she was still the same Sophie.
"But why do you care so much?" She asked.
"Because, I can't forget you Sophie Foster. Please" my voice cracked and Sophie paused to think.
"Alright, I agree. But under own condition"
"Yes, what?" I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants, my mother would be back any minute.
"Promise me that when I can help you escape, you'll leave and never come back for me"
I looked her dead in the eyes, "I'm promise"
Being an Empath helped when it came to lying. And I knew that the second I could get Sophie back, I would. She turned away to open the door and I tapped the small device Dex had given me before he took off Sophie's circlet. We knew she would betray us.
"She agreed" I whispered into the device.
"Good, stay in character. We'll meet you in one week to destroy the Neverseen and take back Sophie"
Keefe smiled, he was getting his Foster back.

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