Chapter Thirty

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I shiver as the cold metal of the gold necklace draped over my chest. Edaline smiled at my awkwardness to all things nice. "Do you like it?"
I try to nod and smile, fingering the swan shaped ruby pendant at the base of the simple gold chain. It's a gift from Mr. Forkle. He had tucked it in my locker yesterday without so much as a word. I hadn't been able to thank him yet but I think that's what he wants. He's felt a little awkward ever since my memories have returned. Mostly because now I have lived two lifetimes, I don't really need the Black Swan's guidance anymore.
Edaline clasped the necklace and I immediately felt the slight weight of it. "Wow, I love it." Edaline sighs.
I grin and stumble to my feet, cursing my black heels softly so Edaline won't hear me. Apparently I wasn't quiet enough because she raises a disappointed eyebrow.
I smile meekly and attempt to distract her with a spin of my dress. For the first time, I'm in love with a dress. The bodice is tight and made of red satin. The skirt then flows out with a mix of gold and red layers of tulle. Underneath the skirt is red jumpsuit, the upper part of the jumpsuit being my satin bodice. If needed, I can easily strip off the skirt and return to my natural comfy state. And another first thing, I don't have any weapons strapped to me.
Since the battle, the very few remaining members including Keefe's mother and Vespera are taking refugee somewhere. Fintan is in custody with the council, his tribunal is later this week.
The Neverseen are still a threat, no doubt, but not today. My throat tightens with sadness. The thought of Gethen tugs at my emotions more harshly than expected. Even though I now know the awful things he had done to me, I can't get him out of my mind. Luckily he escaped with the group, but I want to find him. I haven't told anyone about this, but I plan on saving him. I just know Gethen can't be like the others.
Edaline clears her throat, "Alright, you should get going. Biana will be sorely disappointed if you're late to the party."
The party. Our six month anniversary of being Neverseenless. I wanted it to be more like a human birthday party with balloons and store bought cake, but Biana insisted on spoofing it up a bit.
The Leapmaster glints in the sun's setting light and hundreds of tiny orange lights cover the walls and floor of the room. I glance back to Edaline but she waves her hand, smiling as she does.
I look up and say, "Everglen."
Sparkles explode around me and I feel my body being carried away by the light. It's only when the sparkle of the light dims to a dark yellow that I open my eyes.
It's stunning.
Every tree on Everyglen is covered with mini white lanterns covered in gold designs. A large white cloth is stretched across the clearing where the party is. The next part is my idea, although Biana protested.
A lot.
There's a short table across the cloth and cushions line the table instead of chairs. Another idea of mine with the help of Keefe, the table is adorned with Twinkie's and Eggos, and every type of human junk food Keefe could carry. It's strange to see a Dorito bag lying on a table in the middle of Everglen's stupor, but I love it. Fairy lights of bright white cover the sky above the table like stars.
Almost everyone had arrived yet. Biana noticed me first and I laugh lightly as she drags me to the fluffy pillow beside her. I take a Hostess cupcake from the table and shove it into my mouth, listening to Fitz and Dex debate the best Prattle pin. I must say the Alicorn one will always be my favorite.
Even Marella's joins in the discussion, her obvious obsession with the pins taking over. Even though I can't see them, I know Alden and Della are watching us. It doesn't matter anymore though, I've felt a blanket of safe ever since I got back.
"Sophie, please tell me you think Flaredon is the best?"
I look up at Fitz's face with feigned disappointment that would make Keefe proud. "No way! Alicorn a hundred percent."
"Glitterbutt is the best Foster."
I spin around to see Keefe smirking at us. I pull him to the cushion in the other side of me.
"Thank you for agreeing." I smile.
He laughs and reaches for a handful of Twinkies. Linh smacks his hand and in a motherly tone says, "One at a time."
Keefe raises an eyebrow, "Or....... we can see how many I can fit into my mouth!"
As Keefe grabs the remaining Twinkies, Tam crosses his arms. "I have no doubt you can fit them all with that huge mouth of yours."
"Like to have your support Bangsboy." Keefe winks.
I sigh, pretending to be above it all, but secretly I'm betting he'll fit 15.
I'm wrong.
He fits 43.
Keefe mumbles something incoherent through his fat wad of crushed Twinkies and starts to choke them down. Fitz rolls his eyes along with Tam, but we're all enjoying ourselves. I can't believe we've come so far and still stayed friends. I know elves have an indefinite lifespan, but however long mine is, I know I'll stays friends with these seven goof balls.
I'm going to get Gethen back.
I'll finally get rid of the Neverseen, completely.
I have a lot to get done still, but for one more night, I just enjoy the smell of stale Twinkies, the sound of actual laughter, and faces of my friends.
The night lasts forever.

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