Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Gone?" Fitz echoes.
"Gone?" Keefe repeats.
"Gone." Dex confirms sadly.
I shake my head with sarcasm, "Really? Are they gone?"
They all glare my way, but I purse my lips with innocence. "Truly, I have no idea where they are."
It's not a lie.
But they don't know that.
Keefe sighs and winces with the pain. "Okay, so now we need to rescue them too. No problem."
Dex takes the seat beside him, "And we have a Neverseen member to help us."
Him and Keefe look up at me and I laugh. When they still look serious I raise my eyebrows with surprise. "You think that I'm going to help you guys? You're literally Tweedle Dumb, Dumber, and even Dumber. No one can help you now."
I can hear Fitz sigh in my ear, "I can't wait to get real Sophie back."
Keefe mumbles in agreement and Dex glanced almost wistfully to me. I jump a little towards him and grin gleefully when he fall backwards. Maybe having them around will be more fun than I thought. Keefe takes a deep breath to interrupt my prank planning.
"Alright. We have to one, find everyone. Two, help get them out of whatever bonds or cage that they're in. Three, escape with Sophie."
Dex pipes in, "Technically only one and two. Once we find them, they'll have a plan to escape"
"I hope." Fitz grumbles.
I sigh along with him. "Come on now, you guys are no fun when you're moody."
Keefe looks at me playfully, "How do you prefer us Foster?"
Dex shoves him harshly and I smirk. "Blindly hopeful."
Keefe opens his mouth to quip back no doubt, but Fitz, always the boring reasonable one, cuts in. "Sophie, do you have any idea where the Neverseen would keep their prisoners?"
I pretend to think about and shake my head. "Nope."
Fitz pulls my arm up a little higher and I glare at him through th pain. "Come on Sophie." he says through clenched teeth.
I'm tired of his confidence at this point. I yank my arm down suddenly and his grip on my left arm is released. I plant my feet and manage to use my right arm to flip him over my shoulder and crashing down on the bed. Dex scrambles away and Fitz moans, rubbing his shoulder.
I wipe my hands on my pants and crinkle my nose. "You could stand to lose a few pounds."
I continue, fixing my cape as I talk. "Now, time to visit Fintan."
Their eyes explode with desperation and Keefe makes a lunge towards me. I slide out of the way and fling my door open.
"Gethen!" I scream.
My voice brings Gethen running from the dining hall. Two more masked Neverseen memebers sprint alongside him and the trio bursts into my room. Before any of the boys can do anything, the two Neverseen members have Melders to the boys' heads.
Gehtne rushes over to me with fear, "Are you alright?"
I roll my eyes, "I'm fine."
But secretly I like how much he cares for me.
One of the members yanks Dex up while the other one lifts the still groaning Fitz and frozen with fear Keefe.
Gethen dismisses them quickly, "Round them up with the others. Even the Sencen one, Lady Gisela will want it see him unharmed too."
I wave a hand excitedly to their shocked and darkly betrayed faces. As Keefe passes by, I whisper. "Your move."
Just before they're dragged through the door, I can see Fitz and Keefe share a grin. So their was to get caught. As Keefe passes through the door way, I see him turn and mouth the words. Your turn now.
I fold my arms and grin, this is definitely going to be fun.

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