Chapter Four

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( Sophie POV)
As soon as I saw Gethen at my door, I knew I had another mission.
"Ms. Foster, Lady Gisela wants to see you"
I grabbed my cloak and slipped it on as I followed Gethen into the tunnels. We stopped at a door and Gethen left me, walking away into the darkness. I knocked on the door and Lady Gisela's harsh voice called me in.
Her office was neat, everything labeled and organized. I sat gently on a chair in front of her desk and tugged on my eyelashes.
"Do you know why I called you here today, Ms. Foster?"
I nodded, "A mission, right?"
She smiled, "Yes. This one is particularly important. If done correctly, we should hope to retrieve the alicorn from the sanctuary..."
I leaned in and listened to Lady Gisela's plan. When she was finished, I was smiling. It was perfect.
"Gethen will follow you, to be sure you finish the job"
I scoffed, "I can do this myself"
I opened her mouth to protest further, but Lady Gisela sent me a silencing glare.
"Miss Foster, you'll leave with Gethen immediately. And if you see anyone else who knows your name, come back with no hesitation. Do you understand?"
I nodded and Lady Gisela smiled, "Good. Run along now, I'll be waiting for the alicorn when you get back"
I walked slowly out of the office, but dashed to the training arena with excitement when I was out of Lady Gisela's sight. Gethen was lazily tossing throwing stars, but stopped when he saw me.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
I glared at him, "Yes, and I don't need your help you know"
He smiled, "Let's teleport there, to practice your landings"
I gave him one more death stare before reaching for his slimy hand and stepping up to the crate.
I jumped off of it, touching Gethen's hand as little as possible before falling through the void.
The mountains were freezing and I bit down on my lip. Shivering, I tugged my cloak around me gratefully. Gethen released my hand and we treaded carefully around the Sanctuary.
He planted his feet deep in the snow and pointed to a small hole. "Crawl through there and follow the tunnel. Once you have the alicorn, teleport out of here. I'll use my pathfinders to get back, but send me a message before you leave"
I crouched down and started to crawl, but Gethen stopped me. "Good luck"
I smiled back, "I don't need it"
I ducked back and crawled into the freezing stone tunnel. I crawled on my knees until they were bruised and bloody.
I almost considered going back, but a soft light ahead told me I was close. I crawled out of the tunnel and fell onto the soft grass, panting. Sunlight danced across my face and I lifted myself up.
The Sanctuary was beautiful, filled with grassy hills and slender trees dotting the fields. I sucked in a shaky breath before sneaking along the Sanctuary wall. A loud neigh from across the hill echoed in the silent fields. I crouched and climbed up field, peering over the edge when I reached the top.
A silvery white alicorn stomped the ground and picked at the grass around her. I began to snake down the hill, but a familiar voice turned my blood cold.
"Miss Foster?"
I turned around slowly to see the twelve councillors staring at me.

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