Chapter Eleven

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(Sophie POV)
I couldn't believe I had trusted him.
I don't even remember when I woke up, I just knew that I wasn't safe. I sat up, breathing hard and surveyed the room. The ground was sandy and the walls were pitch black. I couldn't tell how big the room was.
"Hello?" I called out.
Of course, no one called back.
I cursed myself for trusting Keefe and opened my mind. I quickly found Gethen's
Sophie? Are you alright?
I could ask the same about you. What happened?
It doesn't matter, I'll be fine. Now tell me, where are you?
I don't know. Lady Gisela's son drugged me.
I thought you washed his mind.
I flinched, I was going to have to tell Gethen.
I didn't, okay?
Sophie, we'll discuss this later. Can you get out?
No, but I'll send you my coordinates.
I just got them. Hold on Sophie, we're coming.
Well hurry up, I'm going on trial soon.
Gethen cursed and I severed the connection. I should have just washed Keefe's mind when I had the chance.
A loud bang came from behind me and I slipped my hand to my pockets. Dammit, they took my throwing stars.
"Stay back!" I yelled.
"Sophie Foster-Ruewen, you are being put on trial for murder. Come with me"
A man stepped out from behind me and I considered Inflicting. No, it would only get me in more trouble.
I let the man blindfold me and walk me through the hidden door. We walked for what seemed like hours, he kept turning me around to make sure I didn't know where I was. We finally stopped in front of what I assumed was doors and the man pushed them open. He yanked off my blindfold.
It was a crystal hall filled with elves on either sides. They sat on huge wooden benches. Twelve ornate thrones stood at the edge of the room and I scoffed. The man shoved me and I walked down the carpet to wooden chair in front of the councillors. As we walked, I looked up to see a range of emotions on the jury's faces.
Some were crying, most likely for the councillor. I smirked and sat on the chair, arms crossed.
"Sophie Elizabeth Foster, you are on trial for the murder of Councillor Emry. What do you have to say for your actions?"
I smiled, "He was a cry baby"
The room gasped and the councillors' faces grew dark with anger.
"Do you know the punishment for murder?"
I leaned in, "To be honest, no. I've lived in the Neverseen hideout my whole life and they never told me"
One of the councillors stood up, the dainty one, "If Sophie's memories have been wiped, then it isn't her fault that she did this"
The jury mumbled and mused over the statement. I couldn't believe she had actually stood up for me.
"And Miss Foster, may I ask, what was your role in the Neverseen?"
I smiled, "You think I'm going to tell you"
Out of the crowd a boys food up, Fitz, "She was a Washer"
I glared at him, so much for keeping mysterious.
"The punishment for murder is a mind break"
The crowed gasped and I laughed, "I should let you know, my mind is impenetrable"
"We know that, but we also know there is one elf who can preform it. Mr. Forkle"
The old man walked out from the benches and looked sadly at me. I felt an instant rush of dread.
They were going to break my mind.

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