Jeon Jungkook

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A/N: When spring passes, the hot summer comes, Moving on is also love.💜

"Kook, you have a visitor."

I heard Yoongi hyung singing those words in a lovely way, when I looked up from the counter, my face was plastered with smile.


My son Taeyeon came running towards me. I moved out of the counter and picked him up in my arms, and kissed his fluffy hair.

"Hey buddy, how was school?" His beautiful eyes widened in a adorable way and his cute lips started to speak.

"Awesome. Jin Appa congratulated me for getting first mark in Mathematics."

After mentioning Jin, I looked behind my son to see Jin talking with Jimin.

It's been five months after I promised my Taehyung that I will give a chance to Jin.

Till now I never regret it. Jin had always visited our house during weekends and spent time with Taeyeon.

I finally saw happiness in my child's eyes. And I know that letting Jin inside our little family was the best decision I had ever made. After a month I advised Jin to pursue his teaching. After seeing Taeyeon's puppy eyes he gave in and joined in my baby's school.

It became a routine that I dropped Taeyeon in morning, and Jin picked him up from school.

Life had been going good for three of us, and we were getting to know each other better. I know I can't forget Taehyung, neither Jin can forget about his unborn child. But we both have decided to move on and focus on our future.

Our future is our Taeyeon.

Jin still looks at my child as his own. Had I been the old Jungkook, I would have hated it. But now, I felt happy whenever I saw Jin and Taeyeon together. Though Taeyeon misses Taehyung, he loves Jin too. I can see the love in their eyes when they look at each other.

I felt someone nudging my shoulder, I saw Yoongi hyung smirking at me. I released a heavy sigh and turned to face him.

"What now, hyung?"

"What? Am I not allowed to smirk?"

"You are allowed but I need to know the reason."

"About that.." I saw him looking at somewhere, I followed his eyes and it landed on Jin and Taeyeon.

"How is it going with Jin?"

A smile left my lips when Yoongi hyung asked me.

"Good. Taeyeon loves him a lot. And I trust him with my child. He also adores my baby. I am happy that I can finally fulfill my Taeyeon's wish."

"Well you haven't fulfilled completely."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him in a confused way.

"What do you mean hyung?"

"I didn't ask about Taeyeon. I asked how is it going with you and Jin."

"Good. I always felt jealous whenever Jin was near Taeyeon. But now I don't. He is a good guy, so I don't see any problem in that."

"Are you so naive or acting like you don't understand my question?"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him to continue. He rolled his eyes and his following question shocked the hell out of me.

"When are you going to date him?"


Do you think Jungkook will date Jin?

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I would be happy if you show your loves and support on this book and let me know about your thoughts too.🥰🥰💜

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now