Jeon Jungkook

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I know what you all were waiting for.

But let me break the news, nothing happened.

Yes, the moment Jin called me daddy, I was turned on. When I was about to pull him to a hungry kiss, I heard Taeyeon yelling and calling his Appa.

So that leaves me to take care of my aching cock with my own hands in the bathroom.

I never imagined I could bring Taeyeon and Jin to a place like this. The beach house sure looked rich and beautiful. This was owned by Yoongi hyung's uncle. So they rented us. The Yoonmin couple were staying at the another beach house.

I quit my job, from Minmin flower shop. I knew if I had to take care of my family, my earnings wouldn't be enough. I applied for a job in a quite big company, "Kim Enterprises." To my luck I got selected for a managing position. I was supposed to maintain and look at the events. More like a event manager. I knew how to decorate things from my previous job, and I was happy that I got in the first go.

But only drawback was, there was no working time. I would be called randomly at any time to anywhere.

Apparently people loves to celebrate or give parties for no reasons. And it was my job to inspect it and make sure everything went perfect with food, people, and drinks.

I knew my work would be hectic and stressful, but I was convinced that the money which I earn would be more than enough for my family.

I planned to join the work after this vacation. Now it was time for me to enjoy with people whom I loves the most.

Right now I was sitting on the beach sand, while smile plastering my face. Jin, Ken, Jimin hyung and Taeyeon were busy in splashing water and enjoying their time.

Jin's laughter was something which I always adored. The whole beach could hear his windshield laugh. After having breakfast, we decided to meet Yoonmin couple and spent some time in their place. After finishing our lunch we started to roam around the island. And that's how we ended up in the beach which made them playing in water and building sand castle.

I didn't know how long we had been here. It's almost sun setting down and the cool breeze was blowing.

I can't believe Taeyeon was growing up. It's been almost a year, with Jin and me being together. My little family was everything I could ask for. Jin was so patient with me and loved me and our son more than anything.

And I knew he was taking birth pills, but somehow I didn't liked it. We both talked about it one night about, him not taking birth pills.

"Jinnie, are you okay with taking birth pills?"

It was Sunday, and we both were watching movie after tucking Taeyeon in his bed. His innocent eyes looked at me with confusion.

"Kook, I know you are not ready for that. Though I would be happy to stop it, I can't decide that without consulting you."

"What if I tell you to stop taking pills?"

I knew this would shock him, but I already decided. I want him to have my everything. Even if it is bearing my child, I would be so happy to see him having my child. But more importantly I wanted him to want this.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Not if you are ready."

"Of course, you idiot. Oh my god. Do you know how long I waited for you to say this. I can't wait to get pregnant with our child."

He suddenly hugged me tightly making me laugh. I could see his true feelings. I didn't know what I deserved to have him beside me, but I was not going to let him go.

On that note, I decided to make him mine officially.

Yes I am planning to propose him on our one year anniversary.

And I even picked the ring which would suit his beautiful fingers. All I want was money to buy that ring, and also more money to take care of my growing family.

I can't wait to ask him to marry me. I hope he would say yes.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now