Kim Seokjin

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"Omg, this is so pretty." I saw Taeyeon running into the beach house, which we were going to stay for two weeks.

"Slow down buddy."Jungkook was jogging behind Taeyeon with luggage.

After Jungkook informed us about the summer vacation, I couldn't control my excitement. I always wanted to visit beaches and relax myself fro the outside world.

But I never got time neither did I had the money.

Speaking of the money, I knew Jungkook and I doesn't earn a lot. Being a teacher, and working in a flower shop was enough for three of us. I felt bad when Jungkook told me about changing his job.

"Jinnie, I think I need to change my work."

I looked at him with a confused eyes. After spending our day in the amusement park, we both made love, and of course he used my pretty mouth for dirty things. We were lying in bed by hugging each other and while talking about the financial situation.

"And what job that would be?" He shifted a little and pulled me above his body, making me straddle his lap. He sat on the bed, while circling my arms around his neck. He shrugged his shoulders as, "I don't know."

All of a sudden he asked me a question which was going through my mind.

"Why don't you move in with us?"

I was not shocked by his question at all. Since I had been waiting for almost 7 months for him to ask this.

"You always spend time here, besides Taeyeon also doesn't want you to leave. Plus we could cut out the rent for your house too."

I smiled by his reasons. The rent amount was just a waste for me, since I was not living in my house for a long time.

"Kookie, I would love too. We could use my rent money to something else." I smiled at him, but in return he shook his head.

"No Jin. You can use that money for your personal things. You work hard to earn that."

"Shut up Jungkook. We are a family. Whatever I earn belongs to you and Taeyeon too. D-Don't you see me as a family?"

I felt myself getting emotional.

"Of course, you are my family Jin. Stop talking nonsense." I looked up at him and his face was getting little bit angry.

"Then why are you not allowing me to give some money?"

I saw him shrugging his shoulders, and his eyebrows furrowed like he was thinking about something.

"Alright, let's not use your money."

Before I open my mouth to protest, he placed his finger on my lips making me shut.

"Let me finish, babe. We can use and spend the money which I get, and we could use yours as a savings. Deal?" I found myself nodding to his dealing. Of course we needed savings and we can't just spend everything.

"Okay, so have you decided what job you want to do?" I saw him nodding, and I didn't miss how his eyes twinkled in joy.

"I know what job I want to do now." I tilted my head in confusion, and the smirk on his face made me even more confused.

"Wha... Ahhhh." I moaned when he inserted his hard manhood inside my hole, and started to thrust his hips up by hitting my prostate.

And that's when I realized we were still naked from the last love making session. I hugged him tightly while nuzzling my face on his neck, and sucking a hickey.

"Nnghhh." I was getting impatient with his slow thrusts, and started to bounce on his lap up and down, to feel the big cock reaching me deeper.


"pa... Appa?" I shook my head and came to reality when I heard Taeyeon calling me. I looked at him and saw him jumping on the sofa by clapping his hands like a seal.

"Taeyeonie, be careful." I chuckled and walked towards him.

"When can we go out? Where is Ken?" I sat on the sofa near by him, and patted my lap signaling him to sit. Like a good boy, he stopped jumping, and straddled my lap.

"They are staying nearby house, Taeyeon. We can go out after refreshing ourselves. Okay?" He nodded cutely with a big eyes and lips turning to a rectangular smile.

I guess he got that from his late father.

"Now let's go and search for daddy." I said by scooping him in my arms and started to look around for Jungkook.

The beach house was pretty big, and I loved how it had two bedrooms. I knew Jungkook wouldn't appreciate Taeyeon to sleep with us in a vacation.

"Daddy?" I cutely sang those words while wandering through the kitchen.

"What did you call now, babe?" I jumped in place when I heard low sensual voice behind us. I looked Taeyeon and his eyes were also widened as mine.

I turned around to see Jungkook standing there with just a towel around his waist. His wet hair was brushed back, and little drops of water was dripping from his body.

Holy smokes..

I gulped hard when I saw him walking towards us, making me move back against my will.

"J-Jungkook?" I whispered, and cursed myself for acting like this. Within few seconds my back hit the kitchen counter, and I saw him smirking.

With a small smile, he took Taeyeon from my arms and made him stand on his feet.

"Taeyeon baby, why don't you get refresh?"

"Okay daddy." With that Taeyeon ran to his room, by leaving me alone with the sexy monster.

"K-Kookie." I gasped when he pulled me close to him by my waist, and I could feel his hardness rubbing my sweatpants through his towel.

"That's not my name, baby."

I was confused by his confession.

All this time, he was using his fake name to me?

"Just few seconds before you called me. Now say that again." I widened my eyes when I understood what he meant.

Oh my god, daddy kink?

I grabbed his biceps and moaned when he started to lick my neck.

When did he come this close?

"Come on. Tell me. what's my name?"

I rolled my eyes back, when I felt him sucking a hickey on my neck. I bit my lips to suppress my moan and was afraid that Taeyeon would hear it.


Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now