Jeon Jungkook

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I had been working my ass off just for this day to come. I knew I had been away from my family because of the damn events. But still I had to, since it gives me money. And like I wished I bought that ring for Jin, after getting my first month salary.

Taeyeon and I had been planning this day, and like I expected my son acted very well.

He will be a good actor in the future, I guess. But that's up to him to decide. I told Taeyeon not to sleep since I had to sneak inside the house without knowing Jin. Like our plan, after Jin went to his bedroom, Taeyeon opened the door for me, and we started to decorate his bedroom.

I asked my son how would he feel if I and Jin got married.

"That's awesome daddy. I want him to be my Appa." I felt happy when I heard Taeyeon's words.

After settling everything, I called Jin to make him come to Taeyeon's bedroom. I could see him getting emotional. I knew he wouldn't have expected this, since I was doing everything late. Asking him to date me, move in with me, everything that involved our relationship was delayed because of my insecurities, my stubborn attitude. But now I didn't want to.

If I had to spend my life with other person besides our son Taeyeon, I knew the answer.

That would be the person who was standing before me with his mouth closed.

I knelt down and offered my hand for him to hold. Without hesitation, he placed his hands on mine and looked at me with glistening eyes,

"Jin, I know this would have come as a surprise for you. But for me it's not. I knew one or the other day I would get married with you, and I wanted it to make it official on this day, specially on our one year anniversary.

Jinnie, I never expected I would be happy after losing my husband. I was living my life for our son Taeyeon for almost six years. I had no intentions in dating or bringing any man to this house. But everything got changed when I met you, when you came into our lives.

I judged you too soon.

You are the most beautiful, caring, selfless person I had ever come across, Jin. Your kind heart and love you showered on our son made me to prove my judgement wrong.

You opened my eyes and heart in making me believe that there is a love after a love failure.

I didn't know whether I deserved to be happy once again. But you made me happy more than anything. I found myself falling for you despite my arrogant attitude.

I am not a perfect man, Jin. But you make me feel like I am the perfect boyfriend, a perfect human. I have been falling in love with you everyday and I can't wait to spend time with our little family.

Time ran fast with you having in our life. You cared for us, took care of us and loved us with all your heart, baby. And I will always be thankful for you to accept us.

Where else will I get to find someone who loves me and Taeyeon this much?

I know I realized my feelings for you very late, but I never regretted it. Asking you to be my boyfriend, asking you to move in with us was the best decision I had ever made. And with that I also know that asking you to marry me will be the bestest decision I am ever going to make.

Kim Seokjin, my angel, my love, my savior, will you do me an honor and accept this ring as a sign of my soon to be husband?"

I opened the ring box, and showed him which I bought it for him.

Jin started to tear up and knelt down to my height and hugged me tightly. I smiled by his cute action, I could feel his tears wetting my shirt.

"You still didn't answer my question babe."

"Say yes Appa, say yes." I looked at Taeyeon who was holding the flower tightly and eagerly waiting for Jin's answer.

We both released from our hug, while Jin wiped his tears with a happy face. His face and ears were red, and puffy. Like always he was ethereal.

"Yes, Jungkook. Yes." He screamed and cried with tears. I happily took the ring and inserted in his ring finger.

It beautifully fitted his delicate fingers.

"Appa, I am so happy." Taeyeon jumped on us making us giggle. We three hugged each other, while Jin and I exchanged a smile.

"I love you baby."

"I love you, Kookie. You don't know how much." I chuckled while shaking my head.

"I know." I said and showed him his ring finger. We both smiled and hugged our Taeyeon who was happily hugging us.

The ring on his finger was enough for me to know that how much he loves me. He had accepted me and Taeyeon with all his heart.

I thought I couldn't find love after my Taehyung. But I was just wrong. We will fall in love once again in our life, all we need to do is accept it instead of ignoring or denying it.

I knew I found love in my life again. My love, soon to be Jeon Seokjin.

A/N: I am not very good at proposal stuffs angels. So bear with me. I tried to make it to the best💜

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now