Kim Seokjin

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I felt like throwing up when I saw him outside my house.

"How the hell did he know this place?"

Was the first thought stroke my mind, when I saw him. Within few seconds I found myself punching him in the face, him holding his left chin and stumbling in the ground.

"That's how I felt when you hurt me, you idiot." I screamed at him. Before I closed the door he stepped his foot in and I found myself kicking him in the balls. He grunted in pain but never did he lose the grip on the door.

"What the hell do you want? Have you not done enough to me? Now what? You want me to be dead?"

I finally let it out and started to cry. I didn't know why. I wanted to be strong infront of him but I was just a weak person.

"I-I am here to ask for you to forgive me." He stood up while balancing himself with the door.

My eyes were filled with fury.

"Forgive? Woah. You are asking sorry. For what Namjoon? For breaking up with me? For hitting me? For cheating on me? Or for killing our child? Name one." I laughed through my tears and can't believe what he just said.

"J-Just everything Jin. I know I am an asshole."

"Well atleast now you found that." I countered and saw him chuckle.

"Yes, I am not here to ask you give me a chance. I know I fucked up, I don't deserve you. But I felt guilty by knowing that I am the reason for your unhappiness. I know you were true to me but I was not. I wanted to see you in person, and wanted to ask sorry. I don't think I can live happily by knowing that another person is suffering because of me."

"Why now? All these years, you didn't show up, but now out of the blue you appear infront of my house and telling me things which you should have done years ago."

"I know Jin. But I couldn't. I felt bad and ashamed to even stand infront of you."

For the first time I saw Namjoon crying. My heart ached when I saw him breaking down in front of me.

I don't love him now, but I do care for him. I know he was bad to me, but also I knew he was a good boy.

"I-I forgive you. Now don't cry."

I didn't look into his eyes but I knew he expected this.

"I am sorry Jin, I hurt you so very badly." He sniffled his cries. I nodded and looked at him.

"H-How is life?" He smiled at my question giving his dimple.

"G-good. I am living with Hoseok now. He is pregnant. He was the one who told me to meet you."

I scoffed by his reply. Though I don't hold any grudge against Hoseok, I felt something burning inside me. He cheated me with that guy.

"Congrats Namjoon. Glad you didn't kick him out." I saw Namjoon nodding and looked at me with tears welled up in his eyes.

"Jin, if you don't mind shall we meet?"

I widened my eyes by his question.


"I wanted to treat you better. I know I don't have rights, but still I want to. One last time, please. I am leaving the city."

"Leaving? Where?"

"To countryside. Hoseok doesn't like here. So we decided to move. Will you allow me to treat you a dinner?"

I didn't know what to say. I know shouldn't but I can't hurt him like he did to me. I know Namjoon is changed for a good.



I looked at Jungkook to find any emotion in his eyes. But he didn't give any expression at all.

"That's okay Jin. You can go. You are not confined to be with us all time. You do have a life, enjoy it."

With that he left the room leaving me shocked.

For the past three months I found myself falling for Jungkook. But I know he doesn't see me like I see him. He will never look at me like that.

I guess I should not expect anything from him. He allowed me for Taeyeon, and I shouldn't cross the boundary.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now