Kim Seokjin

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I can't believe this happened.

Oh my god, Jungkook proposed me.

I was on cloud nine when he gave me that little speech. I was dumbstruck by his confession, and I got emotional just by hearing his true feelings.

Never in my life, had I thought I would find someone I love, and marry him. But here I was, with Jungkook and Taeyeon. The shining diamond ring on my finger was a proof that it was all real.

I couldn't just stop admiring the ring. I suddenly felt like my fingers were heavy with that beautiful ring.

When I realized my feelings for Jungkook, I heavily doubted about us getting together. I knew we both had painful past and it wouldn't be easy for him to accept me.

But he did. He slowly started to accept me and care for me and finally loved me.

Now we are officially going to be a family. Jungkook, Taeyeon, myself and the little bean in my belly.

Yes, I am pregnant.

After Jungkook and I discussed about not taking the birth pills, I stopped it. I guess the little bean was formed after our vacation from Jeju island.

Today in school, I felt nauseous and tired. I thought because of the students, but I had some symptoms. I decided to visit doctor, and after fixing an appointment, I went to hospital.

After taking blood test, the doctor confirmed my pregnancy.

I was overwhelmed with happiness. I felt myself tearing up by hearing the news. I took the sonogram picture of our little bean, and I couldn't wait to tell Jungkook. I thought I would be the one who will give surprise, but Jungkook did. Now it was my time to give my present.

I can't believe I am pregnant once again. But only this time, Jungkook will be there with me and he will love me and our little bean.

I went to shower to present myself neatly. I asked Jimin about this, and he told me something which I had never done.

When I went to that adult shop with Jimin, I had never felt embarrassed in my life ever like that. Finally after buying things according to Jimin's plan I picked Taeyeon from school and came to our house.

After tucking Taeyeon in bed, Jungkook and I came to our bedroom to celebrate this day.

I knew he would want me but I had other plans.

"Babe, you okay? You are in there for like ten minutes." I heard Jungkook's worried voice from the other side of the door.

"I am okay, Kookie." I checked my body one last time in the mirror. I hope he like this.

I took the red ribbon and tied it around my belly like a gift wrapper. I felt I was naked though the red panty covered my cock.

I breathed in heavily and hoped Jungkook would be happy about the news.

I slowly opened the bathroom door, and walked into the bedroom. The bedroom lights were off, the moonlight from the window was enough for me to see things clearly.

I saw Jungkook facing his naked back to me, while unbuckling his belt from his jeans.

"Ahemm." I cleared my throat to gain his attention. He slowly turned around to see me, and I saw his eyes widening.

I smirked to myself, I knew he would love this. I felt like he was eye fucking me nakedly. The red panty didn't hide my semi-hard member. Just by looking at his defined abs and toned muscle, I could cum.

I stopped admiring his beautiful hot body when he started to walk towards me.

His eyes were full of lust and need just like mine.

"What's with the surprise baby." I felt goosebumps running all over my body by hearing his low sensual voice. I felt a shiver running down on my spine when he slowly caressed my arms gently.

I gasped when he pulled me towards his body. I could feel his breath fanning over my lips.

"J-Jungkook. I need to tell you something." I saw him leaning down and sucking my sweet spot on my neck.

I rolled my eyes back by the immense pleasure he was giving me with his tongue on my body.

God I should control myself.

I pulled his head from my neck to make him see me. He was the most handsome and hottest man I had ever seen in my life. And he was going to be my husband, and father of our baby.

I took his hands which was holding my waist and placed it on my tummy where the ribbon was wrapped.

I could see his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, I showed him the sonogram picture which I had been hiding behind my other hand.

His eyes widened in surprise, and twinkled in joy.


I nodded with tears forming in my eyes. He hugged me tightly and I could feel his tears on my naked upper body.

"Oh my god, you make me so fucking happy." He said and started to leave butterfly kisses all over my face, making me giggle.

He suddenly knelt down and slowly removed the ribbon by unwrapping it.

"You both are the best gift I ever got." I looked at him down to see him lovingly caressing my belly and placing a soft kiss on our baby.

I grabbed his shoulder tightly when I felt him licking my navel and pressing his tongue inside.

"Ngghhh K-Kookie." My legs felt weak when I felt him licking down from my navel. I grabbed his hair for support, and placed my right leg over his shoulder by pulling him close to my hard dick.

"You are so pretty baby. Can't wait to make love to you tonight."

I rolled my head back, when I felt him kissing on my clothed member.

I knew it was going to be a long night.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now