Jeon Jungkook

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Anger, jealous, furious, these all what I was feeling right now.

After knowing Jin's whereabouts, I dressed myself and Taeyeon and reached the restaurant.

To be honest, this place seemed quite expensive. I felt a little discomfort to enter this restaurant.

And I knew deep inside my heart, I can never bring Taeyeon or Jin to this type of place. The money from the flower shop was only enough for a decent living.

I looked at my son, whose eyes were cutely widened by seeing the expensive restaurant. I smiled while looking at him.

"Papa, this place is pretty." I nodded and held his hand while walking inside the restaurant.

The place was looking rich and the light settings were romantic.

"Why the hell is the light setting like this?" I thought to myself. Taeyeon was giggling and enjoying the air con breeze. I searched for Jin and when my eyes landed on the beautiful creature, I felt like no one was there in this restaurant.

His beautiful eyes, the smile which could make my heart go crazy, his delicate fingers going through the menu.

I was made to come to reality by my son swinging my hands.

"Daddy, where is Jin Appa?" I looked at Jin, and he didn't even spare his looks on us. He was busy in talking with that Namjoon guy.

I knelt down to Taeyeon's height and grabbed his attention on me by placing my hands on his shoulder.

"Baby, don't shout okay. Look there is Jin Appa." His eyes traveled where my fingers were pointing. His eyes twinkled like a star and jumped on his feet.

"Shh, now go and hug him. Don't let him go, okay?" He nodded and ran like an athlete.

That's my son.

I smirked when I saw Jin's reaction. Of course he would be surprised to see us here.

I think it was my turn now. I slowly jogged and reached their table.

What the hell? Why is there a candle on their table? A candle light dinner?

I looked at that Namjoon guy, whose eyes were wide and shocked.

"Ha now you know Jin belongs to whom?" I smirked and thought to myself.

"J-Jungkook w-what are you doing here?" I turned to see Jin who was holding my baby on his lap.

That's where Taeyeon belongs to. I smiled by the action.

"Taeyeon was asking me where you were. I couldn't stop him from running here."

"But daddy you only tol..." I cut him off by hugging before he ruined my plan.

"Shh, it's okay baby. Shhh." I awkwardly laughed and made Taeyeon to sit next to Jin.

Thank god Namjoon and Jin weren't sitting together. I scooted myself next to my son, and we three sat on the same row.

"I am sorry, I hope we didn't ruin your night."

Well I am really not sorry. In fact I was happy that I ruined it.

"No that's okay. Taeyeon what do you want to eat?" Jin asked my son who was sitting between us.

I was so happy when Taeyeon blew off the candle light.

That's my boy.

We ordered pasta and chicken and were waiting for them to serve. In the mean time Jin didn't even spare a look on Namjoon since he was busy in playing with our Taeyeon.

"Uh Jin, mind to introduce them?" I looked at Namjoon and was getting furious.

Can't he keep his mouth shut?

"Oh yes, Namjoon, this is Jungkook, and this is my handsome boy, Taeyeon. Jungkook this is Namjoon." I gave a smile to him, and in return he gave his dimple smile.

Why does he need to be so handsome? That dimple?

Whatever I have my bunny smile.

The food was served and we found ourselves eating, while Jin was busy in feeding Taeyeon.

I was so happy that Jin didn't forgot to show his affection on Taeyeon.

Suddenly I remembered about the bill.

Oh shit.

I can't allow Namjoon to pay, Jin might think low of me. I checked my wallet, but that was not enough.

"I am full, Appa." Taeyeon rubbed his tummy which was little big because of the food he had just now. We chuckled by his behavior.

"Uh, Jin how much is the food?" I asked him and saw his eyes getting small and shook his head as a no.

"It's Namjoon's treat Jungkook. Besides he already paid."

I was happy inside but still shocked by that guy's behavior.

Why is he trying to be nice? I can't let him to take Jin away from me. I mean from us.

"Yes Jungkook-shi. I am leaving the city that's why it's my treat."

Should I be sad or happy? Finally I can sleep peacefully.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now