Jeon Jungkook

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I know I told him I wouldn't mind him about dating other guys.

But I found myself showing up on his dates with my son, and ruining his dates.

Why the hell did I do that?

I showed up in parks, saying the flowers will corrupt his innocent mind, in movie theater telling the love stories will put bad ideas and many more.

All this times Jin never complained once about me ruining his dates.

"Thank god you showed Jungkook. When I talked to him about Taeyeon, he was not so okay with that. I really didn't like him."

Jin said this every time and I felt happy.

It seems like my life was being peaceful if Jin was beside me with our Taeyeon.

I knew I was not happy whenever someone touched Jin or made him laugh.

I should be the one to make him happy like how he is in my life. I decided to have a open talk with Jin.

Man to man.

Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung took Taeyeon with them to Busan. I invited Jin to my house, but instead he told me to visit his house. And right now here I was, in Jin's house.

"That smells nice." I sniff the air in the kitchen, and walked to see Jin cooking. He turned around and saw me with a smiling face.

"I miss Taeyeon, Jungkook. When will he return?"

"Monday morning. He loves Jimin's grandparents." Jin nodded and continued to cook.

"Alright, breakfast is ready." Jin said and arranged the plates on the table. I helped him and soon we started to eat by having casual talks.

"Do you want to watch movies? I have some." I looked at Jin chewing his food cutely with wide eyes. I found myself staring at the beauty in front of me.

"Jin, we need to talk." I saw his body stiffened a little bit, and he nodded. We soon finished our breakfast and cleaned the dishes.

Jin and I were sitting on his sofa in the living room facing each other. I didn't know how to start the conversation.

"J-Jungkook, what is it you want to talk about?" I looked at Jin and I could see him being very uncomfortable with the situation.

"Lately, I have been meaning to tell you this."

I looked at him and his eyes were eagerly waiting for me to continue speaking. I inhaled heavily and decided to tell him which was bothering me for few weeks.

"I like you Jin. Would you like to go on a date with me?"

That's it. I said it.

Before coming here, I called Yoongi hyung to take my son with them. I wanted to spend alone time with Jin, to express my feelings.

I still love Taehyung, and he will always be in my heart. But also I think I am starting to like Jin and in not a friendly way. I know I have started to develop feelings towards him.

When I thought about it, I didn't admit because I felt like I was cheating on my husband.

Isn't it bad to love someone when you were already married?

I spoke with Yoongi hyung, and Jimin hyung to clear up my mind. I didn't want Jin to have false hopes on me, neither I want to hide my feelings.

Jin, was the one who made me to realize how selfish I was. His words encouraged me to move on from my past, and I started to focus more on the future. Had it not been Jin, I don't know where I and Taeyeon would be now. I know he has feelings towards me. And I don't want to toy with him and fool him around anymore.

He was too precious, and fragile whom I want to protect with all my strength.

Once you lose your partner or end up in love failure, it doesn't mean your life ends there. You will find love once again in some person, but we just tend to ignore it. And Jin made me to realize that,

Ignoring will not be a solution. Trusting someone again and falling in love will be hard but if it's worth it, never hesitate to do it.

I know it was late for me to accept it with my heart  but I think I found my love.

Deep inside I know I found the person to trust again. To fall in love again. To find love again.

And the person is Kim SeokJin.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now