Kim Seokjin

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I didn't want to get up from the bed. I was afraid that this was all dream. But when I fluttered my eyes open, I was blessed with the sight before me.

Jungkook was sleeping on his stomach, with his lips parted slightly open, and naked. I blushed myself thinking about last night's love making session.

God Jungkook was a beast in bed, but I won't complain at all. Because I always loved rough. I felt like I was falling in love with him more and more with each day spending time together.

I knew why he hesitated of coming inside me. But I was on my birth pills. A smile plastered on my lips when I saw him stirring in his sleep. His beautiful bangs covered his eyes, making him look more sexy.

I brushed his hair aside and kissed on his forehead. We both smelled like sex. I didn't know how many rounds we had, since I lost count after our fifth round. I got up from the bed quietly not wanting to disturb his peaceful sleep.

Though he applied cream for my ass last night, it still stinges a little bit. But I loved the pain. I place the bed sheet cover over him, and made my way to the shower.

I looked my reflection on the mirror, while tracing my body with my fingers. My chest, neck and stomach was decorated with love bites. I hopped into the shower and turned on the water to wash away my soreness.

As I was busy in scrubbing my body, I didn't hear any sound of Jungkook entering.

"Oh shit." I jumped on my feet when I felt a pair of arms hugging me from behind.

"Relax babe, it's just me." I heard Jungkook chucking and pulling me towards his chest. His morning hoarse voice sounded more sexy to me. I relaxed myself on his embrace and moaned when I felt him sucking on my neck.

"Nnghhh Jungkook." I grabbed his hair behind, and arched my back to hear his groan when his erection touched my bare ass. The water was still washing our body, but I was busy in moaning when Jungkook started to thrust his three fingers inside my puffy hole.

"You are still loose from last night babe." I whined by hearing him talking dirty. I tilted my neck aside to give him more access to suck a hickey. I reached my hand behind, and started to stroke his hard cock which was poking my ass.

"Aghhh." His groan near my ears made me even more horny. I gasped when he suddenly turned me to face him.

God, he was looking fucking hot.

He brushed off his wet hair, making my hole clench by emptiness. Without wasting seconds, he kissed my swollen lips, by grabbing my waist towards him.

We both were busy in sucking each other's tongue, while he was busy in thrusting his three fingers inside my hole, I pumped his cock to feel more pre-cum leaking on my hands.

"Fuck, you are so sexy Jin." He drew his fingers out of my ass and licked it clean making me moan by the action. He picked me up by my thighs making me wrap my legs around his waist. I could feel his hard member poking at my needy hole.

"Aghhh Jungkook put it inside." I rolled my eyes back when I felt him teasing. I could feel his smirk on my neck.

"Put what baby?"

"Y-your cock. Fuck me Jungkook." I felt his cock twitching by my words. Within seconds I felt the same pain like last night. I screamed and hugged him tightly. He pushed me to the wall and slammed his thick cock into my hole.

"Ahhh yes, right there." I moaned in pleasure when I felt him bashing my prostate. I grabbed his face and kissed him eagerly while he was busy in ruining my hole.

"You like that baby?" I cried by the over sensitivity. He was fucking me hard and deep.

"Y-yes I love it." The skin slapping sound filled the bathroom, making us both moan by the dirty sound. I felt a knot forming in my stomach, I placed my head on his shoulder. He was very strong and pounded into me continuously making me moan every time with his deep thrusts.

"K-Kookie, I-I am gonna cum." I moaned in high pitch when I felt him stroking my cock and fucking me ruthlessly.

"Come baby, come for me." His low sensual voice was enough for me to reach my high. I spurted my seed into his hands. He squeezed my ass and pushed it together to make it tight.

 With five more thrusts, he came inside me making me feel his seeds in my hole.

We both stopped moving, and panting heavily. It took few minutes for us to breathe normally. He gently placed me on my feet and turned me around suddenly making my back hit his chest.

I arched my back when I felt his hands stroked my semi-hard erection.

"K-Kookie." I moaned when I felt him bending me half, making my ass being displayed for him.

"Ahhh god." I started to moan shamelessly when I felt him thrusting his cock inside me again. I placed my hands on the bathroom wall for support.

"You are so addicting babe." He leaned down and started to thrust into me mercilessly making me feel giddy.

And I knew this will not end with one round.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now