Kim Seokjin

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It's been five months, after I accepted to be Jungkook's boyfriend. And I must say I never regret it on that decision. During our dating, I found a different side of Jungkook. He was so caring, loving, and an adorable boyfriend.

The thing which I found him sexy was him being possessive over me.

I know it might sound silly, but whenever a man initiates a talk, Jungkook would rage in fury. Though I told him, I only have my eyes for him, he couldn't control his anger.

We had not taken our intimate relationship to the next stage. We kiss, make out and cuddle. Though I want to give my whole self to him, he was not ready. And I didn't want to pressure him, so I let it go.

And Taeyeon, he was more happy than us. I literally cried when I saw him hugging me tightly when we announced him about our relationship. Though we told him we love each other, he was a small boy yet he understood us, and our feelings.

Right now, I was in the school, having parents-teachers meeting.

"Yes, Mrs.Kyle. Yoona is really a sweetheart, you don't have to worry. I will give her some problems to solve and she will improve. She's just six, Mrs.Kyle. Let her enjoy and learn." I was talking with Yoona's parent, who was my student. And I looked for Jungkook and Taeyeon and found them talking with English teacher.

"Mr.Kim," I looked up to see Mr.Lee walking towards me with his son.

I sigh heavily, and prayed to god that he does not flirt with me.

If he does, he was in for big trouble.

He was a single parent in his thirties, and he had asked me for going on dates with him, which I politely rejected.

I fake smiled at him, and got the report card from him and analyzed the marks.

"There is nothing to worry Mr.Lee, Jackson is a bright child." I looked at him, but frowned when I caught him checking out my outfit.

"Mr.Lee?" I gritted my teeth and controlled my anger. He looked at my face and smirked at me.

"I know Mr.Kim, he is a good child. I was wondering if you are free tonight."

"For your information, I am busy, Mr.Lee. I hope you take care of Jackson well. Thank you." I smiled at him and handled the report card to him. I felt disgusting when he rubbed his fingers over my hand, and I pulled out immediately.

"I wanted to take you out on a date."

"Isn't that my job to do?" I widened my eyes when I heard the voice.


I looked behind Mr.Lee, to see Jungkook and Taeyeon standing. If looks could kill, Mr.Lee would be six feet underground.

"Mr-Mr.Jungkook?" I called him but his eyes were boring into Mr.Lee, and he tightened his fists making the knuckles turning white.

I gulped by his action, and started to sweat in panic.

"Hey Taeyeon, why don't you tell your daddy to give report card?" I practically begged my baby to gain Jungkook's attention. He cutely nodded and shook Jungkook's hands, making him come to reality.

"Papa, report card. Jin Appa is asking." After a long time, just now Jungkook looked at me and gave me the card in a monotone glance.

I read the marks on the card, and felt proud by Taeyeon's performance. He had improved a lot, and scored 80% in everything. Taeyeon was looking at me with his big doe eyes just like his father, and waiting for me eagerly.

I ruffled his hair and looked beside him to see Jungkook still giving death glance to Mr.Lee.


"One minute Jin." He said and started to speak with Mr.Lee.

"Listen Mr.Lee, Jin is my boyfriend, and father for Taeyeon. I hope you don't disturb him, if I happened to see so, I can't control my anger. If you want to have that pretty face without scratches I warn you to stay away from my Jin." He said in most soft tone.

Holy! Why does he look so hot?

I didn't spare a look at Mr.Lee, since I was busy in drooling over Jungkook. I shook my head when I felt someone shaking my hands.

I cleared my throat and looked at Jungkook who was smirking at me. I was suddenly turning into a blushing mess.

"Mr.Kim, I think we need to talk." I felt like my legs were turning weak, when I heard his low and sensual voice. I looked at him and I knew he was serious.

"Chimchim uncle." I heard Taeyeon shouting, and we both looked at Yoongi and Jimin with their son. Taeyeon ran over to them making us chuckle.

"Hey Jin, Jungkook." I waved my hands to them, Jungkook and I walked to them and started to have a little chitchat. We soon found ourselves outside the school and eating in a bakery shop.

I saw Jungkook and Yoongi having private talk near the counter, while I was feeding Taeyeon in the table.

"Papa, aaah aaahh." I cooed at Taeyeon opening his mouth for more cake.

"Thank you for introducing him to me Jimin. I thought I would have no one in life after that incident. But now I have a family."

"I have to thank you for giving a try, hyung. You, Jungkook and Taeyeon deserves happiness."

I nodded and saw Jungkook and Yoongi sitting beside us. After finishing our cake, Yoongi broke the silence.

"Taeyeon, why don't you play with Ken, in our house. You can stay over too." I and Jimin's eyes widened .

"W-what?" Jimin asked his husband, and Yoongi whispered something in his ears. I felt confused when I saw Jimin smirking at me, and holding his laughter.

"Yes, Jin let him be with us tonight. Ken would be bored." I looked at Taeyeon who was jumping on his chair and clapping his hands like a seal.

"If that's okay for Jung.."

"Oh baby, I am more than okay." I looked at him and I felt hot when he started to rub my thighs lightly making me gulp.

"Well then we will leave. Hope you two enjoy." With that Jimin and Yoongi took Taeyeon and Ken leaving me and Jungkook alone.

"Mr.Kim, shall we?"

I felt sudden shiver running down on my spine, when he whispered near my ears. His breath fanned over my ear shells giving goosebumps to my body.

Oh dear god, I hope I will be alive tonight.

A/N: Should I write the 18+ stuff or should I let your imaginations run wild?🤔🤔🤔🙈🙈

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now