Jeon Seokjin

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4 years later.

"Hey baby."

I turned around to see Jungkook wearing an apron. A smile plastered all over my face when I saw my husband. I saw him walking towards me and hugging me lightly.

Alright he was trying to hug me.

I nuzzled my nose in his neck and smelt him to feel calmness. 

"How's my baby doing?" I giggled when I felt his hot breath fanning over my neck. I released from the hug to see him giving me a bunny smile.

"I am good." I answered but I saw him frowning.

"I didn't ask you chef, I asked my baby in here." He pointed to my nine-months pregnant belly and knelt down to kiss.

"You know, sometimes I don't like you." I said with pouting. He gave his angelic giggles making my heart flutter.

"I know, because you love me. Hey angel, Daddy is here." He whispered by raising my sweater and kissed on my naked belly, while I was stroking his soft hair.

We found the gender and yes it was a Girl. Finally the two boys had got a baby sister.

"Appa." I looked behind to see Taehyung running towards us, followed by Taeyeon.

"Calm down Tae. I have told you not to run around the kitchen." I saw Jungkook warning them, and immediately they stopped running. I chuckled to see them behaving so well.

"Is she okay? Did she kick?"

Taehyung asked while rubbing his hands on my big tummy and kept his ears on the belly to hear the baby kicking. This was new for him. When Taehyung was in my belly, Taeyeon used to do this but now he was a grown up and he admired his younger brother and loved and protected him at all costs.

I still remember giving birth to Taehyung. We were watching a movie in home during weekend, and my water broke suddenly making us go into panic state. I saw the fear and tension in my husband's eyes, and Taeyeon was crying while seeing me in pain. After several hours of struggles our baby was born. He looked exactly like me and I couldn't believe it.

Had I not had miscarriage in my past, I wondered if the baby would have looked like me too. But I know I don't have to think about it, since present is what mattered to me.

Jungkook and I laughed by the cute actions.

"They are not kic....ahhh" I soon felt a strong pain on my stomach. Jungkook and my babies' eyes widened when they saw water running between my thighs.

"Oh my god, papa did I touch hard?" Taehyung was in urge of crying while seeing his father in pain.

"No, Tae, it's the baby. Our sister is coming." Taeyeon calmed Taehyung and soothed his back.

"K-Kookie." I clutched on his shirt tightly, and we knew it was time.

"Shh, baby everything is going to be okay. Now boys lets go, and get your sister."

"Yahhhh" I chuckled in between my contractions and were getting ready to bring our baby girl to this world.

After six hours of struggles, I finally delivered a healthy baby girl, our angel, Tazyu.

"Oh my god she is so cute."

I smiled while seeing Taehyung and Taeyeon busy in admiring their baby sister. I could see tears in Jungkook's eyes while holding our baby.

"I am so proud of you baby. I love you so much." He kissed on my forehead making me blush.

"I love you Kookie. C-Can I?" I asked for Tazyu and he gave our angel in my hands. While Taehyung looked exact copy of me, Tazyu was exact copy of her daddy. She had the big doe eyes, the cute nose and bunny lips.

She was an angel.

I looked up to see Jungkook, Taeyeon and Taehyung admiring our new member in the Jeons family. And I knew this is where we belonged to. This was our family, our home, our world.

I still remember what I said to Jungkook on the first day we met,

There is a life after every love failure.

That's what happened in both our lives. We both were hurt, we lost our loved ones, and were living a soulless life.

Never believe that you only fall in love once in your life time.

Because today, I am married to Jeon Jungkook, and having three kids, Taeyeon 10 years old, Taehyung 4 years old and our little angel, Tazyu.

Did I expect this?

No, never in my life I expected this would happen in my life. After losing my baby, I thought my life was over. But I was wrong. Once you lost you loved ones it doesn't mean your life ends there. We must find some courage to move on from our life. Yes, it will be hard, difficult and sometimes you will get more hurt but hanging on too much on our past also does hurt.

When I first developed feelings for Jungkook, I knew he didn't look at me like that. But still I didn't feel dejected instead I waited. I hoped one day, he would understand my feelings for him and would open his heart. I knew he had hard time in trusting me and loving me, but I didn't take it for granted, I worshiped his love for me.

Everyone will have past, and painful memories and wished they had not endured it. But those pain was what will make us stronger. Those pain brought me to Jungkook. A person who made me to feel love again. He made me to feel I was worth to be loved.

I won't say we were broken hearts. Our hearts were meant to be together, and so the two pieces found each other.

We both found healing in each others hearts.

Don't close off your heart because of your eyes.

If I can find love again so do you.

A/N: (By the way, did you note the title of this chapter angels🙄🤔🤔) I will upload an epilogue chapter very soon💜💜💜

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now