Jeon Jungkook

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There was a tension between me and Seokjin while walking back to our home.

For the past few months, I had been controlling myself from jumping on Jin. I should be proud of my self control when it came to my boyfriend. He was freaking cute and sexy making me go crazy.

I found myself falling in love with him more every day. I was happy that I finally had guts to ask him out. I can't tolerate whenever I saw the other horny bastards looking at my boyfriend. I wished I could control my anger, but hell with it.

I knew Jin loved the possessive side of me, and I always caught him staring at me whenever I was mad. He made me feel sexy and made my stupid hormones active.

I controlled my cock whenever we made out in the bedroom or sofa. I didn't want him to think that I want his body. No I wanted his heart, which would always beat for me and our Taeyeon.

I personally asked Yoongi hyung to take Taeyeon with them. I know I can't control my arousal today, not when Jin looking most stunning. I could see it in his eyes that he wanted this too.

We both reached our house fast, and I immediately threw my shoes off and went inside. I grabbed Jin by his waist and pushed him on the door making it close.

"J-Jungkook." He whispered, and I cut him off by smashing my lips on him. The plump lips which perfectly fitted my mouth. He clutched my shirt tightly and pulled me closer to make the kiss deeper. I bit his bottom lip making him moan. I took the entrance and sucked his tongue while reaching his wet caverns.

My cock was getting hard inside my jeans, and I could feel his erection on my thighs. I slowly moved my hips up making him feel my erection. I grind my clothed erection and we both moaned by the friction.

I pulled from the kiss by leaving us both panting. I started to nib his jaw and left butterfly kisses while licking away his sweaty neck.

"Nnnghhh Jungkook." I sucked on his neck when I found his sweet spot. I lightly bit and eased it with tongue. His moans were only making me lose my control. I slowly moved my hands to his ass, and squeezed his juicy butt cheeks making him moan when our erections brushed.

"Tell me baby, what do you want?" I whispered around his ears while licking his ear lobe. His hands pulled my face away from his neck, and we both looked at each other.

Though the house was dark, the moon light made it's way through the window. Jin's needy and lustful eyes said so many things. He bit his lower lip sexily and snaked his arms around my waist pulling me close to him.

"I want you Jungkook. I want you to take me, make me yours." That was enough for me. I grabbed his thighs and he jumped by wrapping his legs around my waist.

I walked to our bedroom while kissing each other hungrily. His saliva mixed with mine, and his lips were addicting to me. I put him on the bed slowly and pulled from the kiss, with a string of saliva connected.

I saw his cute pupil widening in arousal, and he looked like my fucking last meal.

I quickly ripped my shirt and heard him gasping. I smirked and I knew why.

That's right baby, I work out.

I saw his hungry eyes devouring my body. I unbuckled my belt and removed my pant along with boxers. My hard cock spring opened and stood proud. I groaned lowly when I saw him licking his lips sexily.

"Like what you see baby?" I teased him while pulling my hair back to give my full body a show. I saw him nodding like a cute puppy and he removed his dress and laid naked on our bed waiting for me to ravish him.

His chest was moving up and down, his body was glistened with sweat, his neatly shaved v-line area, his rock hard cock but his needy pink hole clenching around nothing was what made my cock twitch in excitement. He was ethereal, a masterpiece.

Tonight I will make Jin to be mine, like I am his.

A/N: Should I continue?🤔🤔🤔🙈🙈

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now