Kim Seokjin

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Jungkook removed his cock and hugged me behind by nuzzling his nose into my neck. I wrapped my arms around his head in back while he gently rubbed my tummy.

"I am so happy that you are pregnant babe. You know I was thinking maybe we should get married soon before baby comes."

I turned my body facing him and cupped his cheeks gently.

"Kookie, I don't want a big wedding. We can have small wedding with Taeyeon, Ken, Jimin and Yoongi. As long as you are there for me, I don't need anyone."

That was the truth. I never thought I would be in love or get married. But it was happening. At the same time I didn't want to have a big ceremony.

He pulled my waist to his body by pecking my lips.

"How did I ever get so lucky with you?" He said and I saw him chucking. I shook my head.

"Without you and Taeyeon, I am nothing baby. You complete me. Now we are going to have a baby soon."

I saw him nodding and we both hugged each other while he drifted off to sleep.

But I couldn't. I was concerned about one thing which couldn't let me sleep.

How would he spend time with us when he was so caught up with work?


And I was right.

Jungkook had been busy and caught up with his work.

Whenever I woke up, I found the bed empty. He left for his work very early and came very late after I slept.

Since he was not there with us, I slept with Taeyeon beside me. I know Taeyeon also misses his daddy.  Taeyeon was there for me whenever I felt belly ache. He took care of me and brought me water. I could say he would be a great brother.

I was in my third month pregnancy, and soon we would know the gender. I don't care what gender it is, since it is ours, I will be more happy to have a boy or a girl. After losing my first child, I was afraid if I could do this. But Jungkook was there for me. Though he had work, he made sure I was happy, and brought me several food items during nights, whenever I had weird cravings.

Never once did he complained about it. I knew he was tired but our baby was always asking for him. I always had stomach pain whenever Jungkook was not with us. But once Jungkook rubbed my stomach, the baby calmed down. It looked like the baby too missed him.

I was happy that our baby could feel us.

I stirred in my sleep when I felt something touching my feet.

I looked down to see Jungkook massaging my feet. I smiled and felt relief when his hands did magic on my feet.

"Nghhh Jungkook." I moaned in relief when he massaged my swollen feet.

"I missed you so much Jinnie." I smiled by his confession.

I knew he didn't liked to be part from us, but still it was his work.

"I missed you so much baby."

"Is your feet okay now? How is your belly ache now?" He asked me while kissing it. I nodded and reached my hands to him for him to hug me. He happily hugged me. I could see dark circles under his eyes.

"You work so much baby. Can't you rest?"

I said and we both soon found ourselves in the spooning position with him rubbing my three months round tummy.

"Just few more months baby. I could do some savings then I will quit." I heard him yawning and nuzzling his face on back of my neck.

"You remember the appointment right, Kookie?"

I felt him wrapping his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Of course I do. Can't wait to know the gender of our baby."

I nodded and placed my hands on his arms.

When I was about to ask another question I heard soft snores near my ears.

I turned my face to see him sleeping with his parted lips cutely like a baby.

"I really miss you baby. We need you back. Please be with us."

I rubbed his hands which was on my small belly.

The time was running fast making me more worried. In few months we would be able to find our baby gender. Just few months, everything will be normal.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now