Jeon Jungkook

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I was in my house moving back and forth restlessly, while Taeyeon was doing his homework.

Today was Saturday, where Jin was enjoying his time with his ex-boyfriend. And I am here with my son, who kept on asking me when will his Appa come?

How the hell do I know that?

I was so stubborn that I didn't even ask him where and why he was going to meet Namjoon.

I couldn't sleep yesterday night thinking about Jin spending time with some guy other than us.

"I am not jealous. No way. I-I just care about him."

What if he hurts Jin again?

Yes, I am concerned about him not in a romantic but a friendly way.

I should blame Yoongi hyung to put such thoughts inside my head. After having the conversation with him inside the dressing room, I tried to look at Jin not so friendly way.

To be honest, I caught him sometimes staring at me and he blushed whenever I smiled at him.

I was confused about his reaction. I knew he will never see me in that way.

Or was I wrong?

If he does so, then why did he go on a date with Namjoon? He could have waited for me till I realized my true feelings towards him.

Yeah, it might take several years for that.


I stopped pacing around and looked at my son who was holding his pencil on his lips.

"Yes baby." I walked towards him and knelt to his height.

"When will Appa come? I want to solve Mathematics homework."

I suddenly got an idea and cursed at myself for not thinking about earlier.

"Taeyeon baby. I know how to get your Appa." I smirked at my son when I saw his eyes widening and clapping his hands.

"Why don't you call Yoongi uncle and ask him?"

"Papa, that's awesome." he got down from his chair and took my phone from the table and dialed the number.

I took the phone from him and decided to lecture him.

"Don't tell uncle that I told you to call. Okay baby?" I cooed at him and he nodded his head.

I smirked at my idea. Now I knew where Jin would be, and I will bring my son with me to that place.

"Hello uncle. I am Taeyeon." I heard my son talking, I freely relaxed on the sofa. I knew I can trust my son. He will get the address.

"Huh. Daddy is here, wait I will give, uncle."


I widened my eyes and mentally slapped myself. Yoongi hyung would have found that I was the one who taught my son.

I took the phone and signaled Taeyeon to do his homework.

"H-hello hyung. How are you? Wow can't believe Taeyeon called you." I awkwardly laughed thinking he would not find out.

"Wow, I never knew you were such a good actor, Kook. And also taught your son I guess." I heard him chuckle, and I felt myself face palming.

"Whatever. Finally you have manned up I guess." I heard Yoongi hyung chuckling at the other end. I rolled my eyes, and waited for him to answer.

"It was nice speaking to you, Kook. Bye."

"Hyung hyung." I shouted when I heard him going to hang up.

If he was going to hang up, at least he must tell me where Jin was, right?

"What?" I could literally feel his smirk on the line.

"W-where is Jin? T-Taeyeon is asking me."

"Taeyeon? Are you sure?"

I breathed out heavily and rubbed my temples.

"Fine, I want to know where he is. I can't sit idle while he is with some guy. I can't trust Namjoon. Please tell me where Jin and Namjoon are."

I begged him but didn't care. He teased me very well but I didn't give a damn. Finally I cut the call when I got my answer.

I smiled and got up from my sofa, and looked at my son.

"Taeyeon get ready. We are going to bring your Appa back."


I hope you liked the chapter guys.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now