Jeon Jungkook

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"Tell me again baby."

"Y-You are going to be a daddy, Jungkook."

I smirked while nuzzling my face in his neck and kissing his sweet spot. I couldn't get enough of what Jin was saying.

I am going to be a father.

My child inside the person who had made me feel alive, feel loved. I could never be so happy in my life.

I picked him up by his thighs making him wrap his legs around my waist. I could see the need and lust in his eyes like I had right now. I slowly placed him on the bed and hovered above him.

His naked upper body was in glow for me. The red thong which barely covered his crotch was making my cock to twitch in excitement.

I pinned his hands above his head when he tried to reach for me. I leaned down and kissed him with passion and love.

It was a sweet yet powerful kiss which was enough for him to know how much he made me happy. I placed my forehead on his and we both looked each other.

"I love you so much, Jin."

"I love you Jungkook." I smiled by his confession. I slowly traced my hands over his naked chest and stopped when my hand reached his tummy. I dipped my finger into the navel making him arch his back sexily.

"That is mine." I groaned and felt possessive over his body, over our baby. He nodded like a good boy and licked his dried lips.

'Yours. Yours daddy." I smirked when I heard the nickname.

That's right. I am daddy for real now.

I got up and made myself naked and pulled his legs towards the end of the bed. I groaned when I saw the red thong hiding my favorite part. His hard cock jumped up when I removed the thong from his lower body.

His cute pink hole was clenching around nothing, his eager eyes were telling me to do something.

Without wasting a time, I settled myself between his legs, and started to lick his rim.

"Ahhhh" His body jerked up but I pushed him down, and inserted my tongue to reach him deeper. His erotic moans were making me go crazy. I reached my hand over his aching dick and started to stroke it with the speed of my tongue fucking his hole.

"Nggghh daddy." I could feel his precum leaking from his tip. I spread it over his dick and pumped it fast without stopping my tongue thrusting inside his velvety walls.

I moaned by his taste and started slurping his hole like a juice. Within few seconds Jin spurted his seed in my hand making me to stop thrusting my tongue.

I looked up to see the beauty laying in front of me waiting to be ravished. His parted lips, half hooded eyes, chest moving up and down, everything was ethereal. I used his cum as lube and rubbed it on my hard cock.

"D-Daddy Kookie please." I smirked by his impatience. I moved him to the center of the bed and positioned my cock in his needy hole.

I spread his legs wider and leaned down to grab his cheeks.

"I am so happy that you are carrying my baby, Jin." I saw him smiling cutely.

"I am lucky to be pregnant with your child, Kookie." I kissed his plump lips, and entered his tight hole. His moans were muffled by our hungry kiss, he wrapped his legs around my ass making me to reach him deeper. His nails were yanking on my biceps making me groan by the pain and pleasure.

"Ahhhh, yes.. Kookie." I started to thrust my cock into him. His warm hole was sucking my cock perfectly.

I started to pound into him mercilessly while sucking his beautiful tongue. I removed my cock making him whine by the emptiness. Within second I turned him over with his ass being on display for me. He was on fours wiggling his ass while looking at me sexily over his shoulder.

I playfully spanked his ass lightly and thrust my aching cock into him again making him moan by the pleasure.

"Ahhh, Kookie, ahhh." I grabbed his waist and pulled him to meet my hard and deep thrusts. I could tell his legs were trembling, and he was near. I leaned down by pressing him against the mattress while protectively wrapping my hands around his belly.

"Nngghhaahh daddy, I-I am gonna cum."

"Come baby. Come for daddy." I turned his face and sloppily kissed him while abusing his prostate without giving him a break. With two more thrusts he came all over on the sheets, making me groan by the tightness around my cock.

I pulled him up and placed him to sit on my lap by his back against my chest.

"Ahhh, daddy. Kookie." He grabbed my hair back and started to bounce on my cock fast. I played with his hard nipple while sucking hickeys on his beautiful sweaty neck.

The skin slapping sound echoed in the room making me moan by the dirty yet hot scene.

"Ahhh daddy." He whined when I slapped his thighs telling him to go fast on my cock. I was getting impatient with his thrusts, so I started to thrust my hips up by reaching his stomach.

"So big daddy. Big." He clenched around my cock making me reach my high.

"Only for you baby." I thrust my cock into his puffy hole, and with five more thrusts I splashed my cum into his needy hole.

We both lied on the bed with me spooning his naked body while panting heavily.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now