Kim Seokjin

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Oh my god, was this a dream? If so I don't want to wake up at all.

I can't believe Jungkook would ask me out.

Oh shit, it is happening.

I was on cloud nine and couldn't able to utter a word. I knew Jungkook liked me, whenever I was on date, he always showed up.

Well, deep inside my heart I wanted him to appear on my dates.

I intentionally went on dates with men, so that I would know about Jungkook's feelings towards me.

And I was right.

I was brought into the reality when Jungkook shook my shoulder. I blinked my eyes and looked at him, he was too close.

"Jin, are you okay?" I felt him placing his palm on my forehead and checking my temperature.

Oh my god, it was a dream, wasn't it?

I literally wanted to cry now. My imaginations were all disappeared.

I shook my head as a no, and saw him relaxing a little bit.

"You still didn't reply to my question."

I got startled by his sudden voice and looked at him in confusion. Did he ask something when I was daydreaming?

"W-what?" I cleared my throat and asked him.

"I asked would you like to go on a date with me."

"I-it was not a dream?" I gasped loudly and heard him chuckling.

"You thought that was a dream? No Jin, I am serious." I saw Jungkook laughing and his eyes crinkled making him look even more beautiful. I smiled when I saw him being happy.

"So, what do you say?" I sat straight and looked everywhere but Jungkook.

"I-I, why suddenly?" Before answering his question, I want to know the reason. I don't want him to date me for Taeyeon or for anyone but himself. I want to know that he likes me.

"Because I like you, Jin. And not in a friendly way. For the past few months I have been intending to tell you about my feelings. And no it's not because of Taeyeon. I like you from the bottom of my heart. And I want to hold you, kiss you, make love to you, and protect you like a lover. So will you be my boyfriend?"

Oh my god. I felt suddenly hot and found my palms sweating by hearing his confession.

He wants me to be his boyfriend? And why the hell was he talking about kiss, love making?

I looked at him shyly, and caught him already staring at me eagerly for waiting for my answer.

"Y-yes Jungkook. I will be your boyfriend."

The moment I said, I found Jungkook's lips on mine and I was shocked to see him making the first move.

It took me few seconds to response, and I kissed him back. I gasped when his hands grabbed my waist and he took this as an opportunity to enter into my mouth.

I circled my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to make the kiss deeper. I felt giddy when his tongue sucked on mine. I wished we could do this forever. I moaned unknowingly when he bit my tongue playfully.

I heard him groan and soon we broke our kiss while panting heavily. I was blushing red, and didn't have guts to look at him. He suddenly hugged me, making me gasp in surprise.

"Thank you, Jin. Thank you for coming into our life. I will protect and love you with all my heart." I smiled by his words and hugged him tightly.

I nuzzled my nose into his neck and smelled him. I felt calm and relaxed.

I felt home.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now