Kim Seokjin

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I can't believe he forgot what today was. I knew he was working hard for us, but not spending time with us was something I couldn't bear. When I asked the doctor about my bellyache his answer shocked me.

"I advice you not to stress more Mr.Jeon. Because it might not be good for the baby sometimes it could lead to miscarriage."

I felt like crying when I heard the word miscarriage. It took me years  to move on from my first miscarriage. I can't bear with the second one now. I didn't know where I was walking. After yelling at Jungkook I decided I should not be there to disturb him.

I heard him shouting my name, but I didn't turn. I was walking fast while crying like a baby.

"Jin baby, I am sorry." I pushed his hands off when he tried to stop me.

"G-Go away." I started to cry and suddenly it became difficult for me to breathe with the constant crying.

"I am so so sorry baby. Please baby, please do what I say. Even I am an asshole, now breathe in and out. Shhhh." I halted and did what he said. I slowly breathed in and out while his other hand was smoothly rubbing my tummy making me calm.

"J-Jungkook." I clutched his shirt and pulled him towards me. I could see his tears and regret in his eyes. I knew he didn't meant anything he said, it was because of his stress.

"D-Doctor said I could have m-miscarriage."

His eyes widened in fear, and shook his head continuously.

"No, no Jin. It won't happen. I won't let it happen Don't talk like that."

"I-I am afraid Jungkook. I can't bear with another m-miscarriage. I don't think I can handle the pain again. P-Please be with us. We want you." I hugged him tightly and cried by wetting his shirt. I could feel his fingers rubbing circles on my back making me calm.

"Shhh, it's okay Jin. Fuck work, fuck money. I will be with you, with my family. I promise."

I looked up to see him wiping my tears.

"A-Are you serious?"

"You, Taeyeon and our little bean is important for me baby. Now let's go home."

I couldn't believe he would do this for us. He surprised me by picking me up in bridal style. I circled my arms around his neck for support.

"J-Jungkook. I might be heavy."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You are light like feather baby. Now let's go."

"A-Are you serious? Everyone are looking at us." I felt shy when I saw people glancing at us and smiling.

"They are jealous baby." He smirked and we both took the cab to reach the house.

Of course he can't carry me for one hour like that while walking.

We both reached our bedroom and lied by hugging each other. I smelt him, and felt home.

God I missed him so much.

"I am so sorry Jin. I was an asshole. I can't believe your stomach is this big." I smiled by his confession. I was in five months pregnancy and my stomach was much visible. Taeyeon used to rub my tummy and whisper sweet words.

"Are you saying I am fat?" I pouted at him.

"You are glowing baby. Should I prove it to you that you are beautiful?" He started to tickle my sides making me giggle.

"S-Stop, Kookie." He stopped his actions and rubbed my tummy by leaning closer.

"I am sorry my baby. Daddy is sorry. I will be with your papa, your brother forever." He whispered cutely and kissed on my naked belly.

Oh I forgot to say that we made love.

I giggled when his hair tickled my stomach. He looked up to see me by smiling. He hovered above me making me circle his neck around.

"You are beautiful babe. Do you know that?"

"I know, because you always tell me."

I finally decided to ask him which had been bothering me for quite some hours.

"J-Jungkook are you sure you are going to quit?" I saw him smiling and leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"I am, baby."

"Then, what will you do? Like what job?" I could feel his smile on my cheek. He looked up to see me and smirked. I could definitely tell that he had something on his mind.

"A restaurant."


"A restaurant baby. Jimin and Yoongi hyung told me that they are going to sell the shop. I guess they got bigger shop. I was saving money to buy that shop." I can't believe he had planned all this without telling me.

"So we need to hire workers?" I saw him shaking his head as a no.

"You are confusing me, Kookie." I pouted making him chuckle, and he kissed my pout away.

"You are going to be the chef baby."

"I what?" I saw him moving aside, and I sat up on the bed to continue him to speak.

"You are a great cook Jinnie. Besides it's going to be a small home like restaurant. You and I are going to run the shop. I even have a name for it."

I furrowed my eyebrows by confusion. I saw him giving me a bunny smile.

"Jinnie-Kookie restaurant." The moment he said, I started to laugh by the cute name. Oh my god, I can't believe that this hot man could think such cute name.

"That's so nice baby. So when are we going to open?"

"Once our little boy is born."

I nodded at him, and I know I could trust him. He would never hurt me again. I was happy that he quit his job, and finally he was going to live with us. And we are going to be together again.

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now