Jeon Jungkook

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I looked at Yoongi hyung in disbelief when I heard those words.

"Hyung are you crazy?" I whispered and looked around to make sure Jin didn't hear it. Gladly he was so busy in making a corolla with Jimin and Taeyeon.

I grabbed Yoongi hyung's hands and pulled him to the dressing room by making sure that the door was locked behind me.

"What's wrong in dating? Isn't that why you accepted him?"

"Hyung, you must be out of your mind. I-I don't see him like that. Besides I like him because he treats my Taeyeon as his own son. I don't want my son to miss his Appa, so Jin is there for him."

"Oh! So you replaced Jin as a free nanny or a baby sitter for your child?"

I was getting angry when I heard Yoongi hyung saying something which I never had in my mind.

"A nanny? No hyung, I don't see Jin as a babysitter. I see him and respect him as a human."

"Oh so you don't mind him dating anyone?"

"W-what?" His question caught me off the guard.

I couldn't answer his question because somewhat I didn't like the question. I never gave a  thought about Jin's personal life.

Why would he need to date someone when he have Taeyeon, right?

"What Kook? Cat got your tongue?" Yoongi hyung folded his hands against his chest and waited for my answer.

"Do you expect Jin to take care of your son, and give all his love but never receives those from you?"

"W-why should I l-love him? Isn't Taeyeon enough for him?"

I almost whispered and I knew I was selfish not on my life but on Jin. I didn't want him to date anyone because he will not show his love and attention to my son.

"So I guess, I think it won't bother you if Jin goes on date right?"

I gulped by the question. And suddenly felt myself sweating.

"W-Why are you asking this hyung?"

"Because Jin told Jimin that Namjoon had called him."

I widened my eyes when I heard the name.

Namjoon? The cheater? Why would he call now? Why now? When everything was going smoothly.


I couldn't frame a long question and I knew my voice was getting weaker every time.

"For what do you think? Of course for date."

"B-but didn't he cheat on him and he was the reason why Jin lost the b-baby?"

Yoongi hyung rolled his eyes and kept his hands on his waist.

"That was in the past Kook. People change. I want to know whether you have changed. I want to know whether you will see Jin in a romantic way not in as a friend."

"B-but I never saw him like that hyung."

"Why don't you see it from now on. it's never too late."

I breathed in heavily and thought about it. If Jin want to date some other guy, I shouldn't stop him. I can't control him. He has his freedom. Yoongi hyung was right, I can't expect Jin to stay with us forever.

"Hello, are you listening?" I saw Yoongi hyung waving his hands at me, I nodded and looked at him.

"I-If he wants to date, h-he can, hyung. I will not stand as an obstacle."

"Still the same bitch you are. You are so afraid to admit or commit. Let me tell you one thing, Kook. Don't regret it afterwards." Yoongi hyung shook his head and opened the door by leaving me alone in the room.

Afraid to commit? Me?

Why didn't Jin said anything about that Namjoon guy? Is he hiding from me or will he lie to me?

On our way home, I was deeply in thoughts about whatever Yoongi hyung had told me.

How can I see Jin in a romantic way?

I looked at him, and he was giggling and playing with Taeyeon in his lap. It's been half an hour since we reached home, but I didn't speak to him at all.

"ook. Jungkook." I shook my head when I heard Jin called me.


"Hmm, Taeyeon why don't you do your homework? I will come and check." Jin said to Taeyeon and received a nod from him.

"Okay Appa." With that he left the living room. I looked at Jin and wondered whether he will say the truth.

"I-I can't come this weekend."

"I know, you are going on a romantic date with your ex-boyfriend." I thought to myself. I didn't ask why because I already knew the answer.

I simply nodded and decided to get up.

"N-Namjoon called me today." I slowly sat down on the sofa and looked at Jin. He was keeping his head down while fidgeting his fingers on the hem of the shirt.


I hope you guys liked the chapter😊

Will Jin go on a date with Namjoon?

Should Jungkook stop Jin from meeting Namjoon?

Finding Love -Sequel to Moving On | Jinkook✔️Where stories live. Discover now