Chapter 1

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Okay so this is the first Chapter of my first ever book. I've been working on this story since I was 17 and had just been cheated on myself. This is a far cry away from the first draft of this chapter, I think I've rewritten it about three times and I'm probably still not done tweaking it but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter, any and all constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged.



"So, what time do you want me to pick you up?" asks Charlie over the phone. Charlie is my boyfriend, he asked me out when we were sixteen, just after my sixteenth birthday, and we went to TGI Friday's and the arcade. He won me a panda plushie out of the claw machine, he saw that I liked it and impressively managed to win it fairly quickly, only taking three attempts before the toy was dropped into the hole and delivered to me. I slept with that teddy most nights. He definitely won my affections along with the toy and we'd been pretty inseparable ever since.

"Hmm, I don't know...maybe eight? Expect me to be running late as usual though." I reply jokingly. Tonight, we were going to the annual end of summer party one of the students throws. It's a sixth form tradition at our school. It happens usually on the last Friday of the summer holidays. I was both excited and dreading the party. I was excited because, hello, it's a party but I was bummed that summer would be officially over the moment I left that party and it would be back to school on Tuesday. My last school year. It's a sad and exciting thought all at once. Sad because it's the place I spent the majority of my teenage life at but exciting because soon I'd be on to the next chapter of my life. Going to university with Charlie, getting a flat with him for second and third year, graduating together, starting a life together.

"Okay, see you then. Try not to be too late." and then he hung up. Rude. Our relationship has been...strained lately to say the least. We didn't see each other much during exam time because I spent the majority of my free time revising. That being said, school finished over a month ago and he's still acting distant and moody. Maybe he's mad at me for practically ignoring him for the last few months of school, which he has every right to be, but I wish he could just say he was upset about it so we could talk and move on. I made a mental note to talk to him about it at some point, just not tonight. Tonight was for fun.

As I was going to the party with Charlie, I wasn't getting ready with my best friend like I usually would, so we agreed to video call to make up for it. "Hey girl, what are you wearing tonight?" Phoebe greeted when she answered the call. We spent the next hour and a half deciding what each of us was going to wear; it took a lot of retrying on outfits to whittle down our choices. Finally, I settled on my blue strappy bodycon dress that Phoebe insisted didn't look too scandalous and that even if it did, I looked too good not to wear it. Phoebe on the other hand decided her intention was to be scandalous and so was in a black bodycon dress with cut-outs all over it. In fact, I think the dress was more hole than material but she did look good. As usual she had on her signature red lipstick, the girl hardly wore any other colour but to be fair it did really suit her. She had also lined her lashes with black winged liner which only made her blue/grey eyes stand out even more. Her naturally curly dirty-blonde hair was pulled up in a half-up-half-down do and over all my best friend looked stunning. 

At eight o'clock on the dot Charlie was at the door being let in by my Mum and on his was up to my room. At this point I was nearly finished my make-up which for me is impressive as usually I'd be just starting it.

"Of course you're not ready yet." He says, flopping down on the bed and starting to scroll through his phone. Charlie was wearing for his usual blue jeans and white short sleeved shirt combination that always looked good on him.

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