Chapter 3

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Three days in a row, baby! I hope you enjoy this chapter, please let me know what you think in the comments!

Charlotte x


Despite my efforts to stop them, a few tears rolled down my cheeks as I walked away. The pain in my chest grew as a sob threatened to erupt from my throat. I clasped my hand over my mouth to try and muffle the sound. I felt pathetic. He wasn't worth my tears. He wasn't worth my feeling so cut up about him. Screw him. I stopped and took a few breaths and managed to regain my composure.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked as walking up to me. I dabbed the tears from my cheeks in an attempt to keep my makeup intact turned to face him, hoping I didn't look like I'd just been crying but I knew deep down that my eyes were already red. I nodded and smiled "I'm fine."

"Come on, I'll drive you home." He said gesturing over his shoulder back to the car park with his thumb. I gratefully accepted. I really couldn't be bothered to walk home after that.

The ride to my house was fairly silent apart from the occasional direction from me. He didn't ask about why I'd been crying, I figured he assumed I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't. At least not right now. I was grateful he wasn't pushing the matter. I was even more grateful that he offered to drive me home, he didn't need to do that. He could be driving the opposite way to his house for all I know. Maybe I should invite him in for a little while. You know to save him driving all the way over for nothing. It didn't take long for us to arrive outside my house.

"Do you, er, want to come in?" I asked nervously. I didn't factor in the possibility of him not wanting to spend extra time with me. He might have other things he wants to do today.

"Are you sure? Will your parents not mind?" he asked. That's not a no.

"They won't be home for a few hours but they never mind me having someone over, Phoebe practically lives with us." It's hard to sound nonchalant while also trying not to give a guy the wrong idea. But then why would he get the wrong idea just because I'm inviting him I give that vibe to guys? Why am I over thinking this? He's probably not thinking anything of this situation.

"As long as your parents won't mind, sure, I'll hang out for a bit." See Amber 'hang out' he doesn't think I'm suggesting anything extracurricular he just thinks I want to hang out. Which is what I want...nothing more. I don't think I remember how to do anything more; it's been a while.

I dumped my bag in the hallway when I walked through the door. After offering Justin a drink and pouring us both a coke, I led him into the living room. We plonked down on the sofa and it suddenly hit me that I'd only known this guy for a day and I invited him home. He could be psycho for all I know, but then I could spend a lot of time with him and get to know him and think he's normal only for him to turn out to be a psycho anyway. Let's just hope he's sane.

" you want to talk about it?" Justin asked setting his drink down on a coaster on the coffee table. I looked up at him and asked myself if I did. Part of me wants to have a little rant about how much Charlie annoyed me today, but another part of me doesn't want to potentially get upset over another guy in front of Justin. Regardless, the look he gave me made me feel like I could trust him.

"Charlie kinda ambushed me after school, I'd stayed back a little bit until pretty much everyone left because I didn't want to run into him or the girl from our form room. Apparently, he waited for me though. He was saying he was sorry and that he loved me, all bullshit. You don't cheat on someone you love. I found out this party wasn't the first time though. Not that I'm surprised." I didn't look at Justin when I talked, I just stared into my glass. I felt like looking at him would somehow make this moment feel a lot more intimate and I didn't know if I could handle that.

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