Chapter 20

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Soooo....this chapter is a teeny tiny bit NSFW, its nothing too scandalous (or at least not to me) but I thought I should warn you just in yeah...there's a lot of sexual references in this chapter. So, if you're into that, then enjoy!


Ever since we went clubbing a few weeks ago, Justin and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. Any spare moment we had we were either kissing or having sex and I was not complaining. It was like we needed to make up for the lost time during our bet. I knew we were only friends with benefits but I found myself wanting to be more affectionate with Justin. I held myself back in front of other people but if anyone saw us when we're alone, they'd think we were an actual couple, always cuddling and touching each other.

As I walked down the corridor to my first lesson, I couldn't help but smile thinking of the night before. I had snuck out to spend the night at Justin's. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep as I needed to leave early so I'd be back home before Mum woke up. I was feeling very tired this morning but it was definitely worth it.

"What's she so happy about?" I heard a girl say to her friend. I rolled my eyes, knowing they were talking about me. Once the mad rush of mock exams was over people had turned their attention back to me. Though, not as many people seemed to care about me anymore, which I was grateful for. Now there were only a select few who still didn't like me, and they were mostly the people who I used to consider friends. A lot of the boys still considered me to be a slut but I could deal with that, girls are much worse with their mind games and manipulation.

Despite people still hating me for no reason, I was feeling a lot better. I felt like the old me again and so I started acting like it. I wasn't walking around with my head down anymore and wearing baggy clothes trying to go as unnoticed as possible. I've always loved clothes and makeup and I'd missed looking how I wanted to just to avoid unwanted attention. Today I had put on some black ripped skinny jeans and a black, distressed, cropped jumper, paired with some black biker boots. I had also taken the time to curl my hair and do my makeup. I was feeling good about myself today and I wasn't going to let anyone change that.

On my way to the cafeteria at lunch time I had been approached by one of the boys who had made a few advances towards me over the past few months. I was getting sick of it at this point. As he was talking to me an idea came into my head that was too good to pass up.

"Come on love, let me take you out." he said, as if taking me out on a date first would make me more likely to sleep with him. I fought the urge to roll my eyes in disgust and plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Why don't we skip that?" I said suggestively. That took him by surprise as I had been ignoring his advances over the past few months.

"Really?" he asked, not bothering to hide his surprise. I leaned in close to his ear so that my lips nearly grazed the skin.

"Come to mine this weekend." I whispered. He looked pretty happy with himself when I pulled away and told me he'd be there. I sauntered off towards the cafeteria but was roughly pulled aside by Justin who had apparently seen and heard the entire encounter.

"What the hell was that?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and looking more than a little pissed off and he stared down at me. I gave him a sly smile and uncrossed his arms, taking one of his hands in mine and pulling him to the cafeteria.

"I have a plan." I said to him as he let me lead him away.

"Okay, what's this plan of yours that involves inviting creepy boys over to your house?" Justin said, still looking very annoyed, once we were all gathered around the table.

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