Chapter 26

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It had been almost a week since Lucy appeared. The week had gone by pretty uneventfully, I studied a lot and saw Justin in my free time. Though Lucy was usually involved in those plans so we hadn't had a whole lot of alone time together. Justin apologised about that fact every time I saw him but I knew it wasn't something that could be helped and I didn't really mind. I liked Lucy; she was a nice girl.

The whole gang was around at mine for a movie night so Lucy was a little bit of a seventh wheel but in a group that's not as much of an issue. Still I didn't want her to feel left out so I sat on the floor with Phoebe so she could sit next to Justin as this was her first time meeting the others. I was slightly regretting that choice when the majority vote of what movie to watch turned out to be a horror film. As the movie started, I leaned back against the sofa between Justin's legs so I could still have some comfort from him being close to me.

As the movie got to a particularly suspenseful part, I found myself with my knees drawn up to my chest and hiding behind my hands. I couldn't seem to look away though so I was peeking through my fingers awaiting the jump scare that I was sure was about to happen. Just as I thought it was a misdirect and let my guard down, the jump scare finally happened causing me to jump and hide my face in Justin's knee. I couldn't help but laugh at myself, feeling a little silly, but the laugh died on my lips when I looked up and saw Justin, with his arm slung over the back of the sofa and Lucy's face buried in his chest. I felt my heart drop a little at the sight but I tried to remind myself that they were best friends and he didn't have romantic feelings for her. At least not anymore. Besides, he wasn't cuddling her, his arm wasn't around her it was just on the sofa. Still, I couldn't help but feel a lot less affectionate towards him and huddled closer to Phoebe instead.

After what felt like an eternity later the movie finally ended and my body could finally relax. I stretched my arms out, arching my back to try and feel less stiff. When I felt a little less knotted up, I let out a sigh and rested back against the sofa.

"That was awesome! The scene where the pregnant lady gave birth to that devil baby was siiiick." Oliver enthused. Typical. Oliver loved any movie with any type of violence and gore to it, even if the rest of the movie was shit. Once I'd come to that realisation, I learned never to trust his movie recommendations.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I'm never having kids after seeing that." Emma said and visibly shivered. I laughed at her discomfort but I could definitely feel her pain there. Pregnancy and child birth were terrifying enough already.

"Oh! That reminds me, V-card Victoria's pregnant, can you believe that?" Lucy said, turning to Justin as if it were the most scandalous news to break ever. Justin raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Who's Victoria?" I asked as I turned to look at them.

"Justin's first." She answered. "You dodged a bullet there, hun." Lucy said to Justin with a laugh, slapping the back of her hand on his chest.

"Thanks, Luce." Justin said with a sigh, his arm still slung over the sofa behind Lucy.

"You thought you two were each other's..." I said, my sentence trailing off as I wondered just how many people Justin had slept with.

"Hold up!" Phoebe exclaimed "You two have fucked?" She said motioning between Lucy and Justin, her face the picture of shock. I would have found her expression funny if the situation were different.

"They're ex's." I deadpanned. I heard a wince from Oliver and Max.

"Mate, really?" Max said, his face cringing.

"Well it's not like I still have feelings for her and we were friends for a very long time before anything romantic happened." Justin defended.

"So, if Lucy wasn't your first when what number was she?" I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer but the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Oliver make a throat cut motion, telling Justin not to answer that.

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