Chapter 18

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School was finished for the year and we all had two weeks off for Christmas. I was very excited to not have to go to back to that hell hole for two whole weeks. Two weeks of no bad looks, snide remarks and pervy comments. Two weeks to spend with my Mum and my friends, having fun and eating good food. Bliss.

Phoebe, Oliver, Emma, Max, Justin and I had plans to go ice skating. It was kind of a triple date but I preferred to think of it as just a group of friends hanging out. I went with Phoebe and Oliver, with Justin meeting us after dance practice, and Max and Emma coming together.

I hadn't been ice skating before so I already knew before we even got onto the rink that I'd be falling over a lot. I was mentally preparing myself to be sore the next day, that's for sure. Justin was late arriving so I was fifth wheeling a little bit but my friends made sure I was included. When I first stepped onto the ice in my skates I was desperately clinging onto Phoebe, as she was too me. Phoebe had the balance of a new born wasn't good, so she probably wasn't the best person to be going around with. It was safe to say if she went down, I'd be going down too, and vice versa.

"Boo!" I heard from behind me as I clung to the side rail of the rink. I squealed and lost my footing; I would have fallen if I hadn't already been holding onto the rail. I didn't need to look to know who had scared me.

"Don't be a dick." I said batting at Justin with one hand, still clinging on to the rail for dear life.

"You guys have already been here for twenty minutes, how are you still bad at this?" Justin said laughing at me and taking my free arm, looping it through his.

"Well Phoebe left me when we realised that we were worse together than we were alone. I've never been ice skating before, don't be mean. I've fallen over that many times already that I'm scared if I fall anymore then I'm going to leave here with a permanently damaged butt." I said letting Justin guide me around the rink. Of course, he can ice skate too. Why wouldn't he be able to? "Are you just good at everything?" I asked him incredulously. He just chuckled and continued to guide me around the rink.

"I just have good balance that's all, I can't do any tricks." He replied. I rolled my eyes. I was sure that if he tried, he'd be able to do it.

"Just don't let go of me." I said to him as the distance between me and the rail increased along with the death grip I had on Justin's arm. Not that I was complaining about clinging onto his muscular arm.

"I never took you as the clingy type, Muffin." He said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him, hiding my smile.

"You wish, honeybun." We went around the rink for another twenty minutes before deciding to come off. Justin kept a tight hold of me the whole time like I asked and I was feeling a little more confident in my skating abilities than I did before I stepped on the rink. As we all warmed up with hot drinks in a nearby café, we were discussing what we should do next. It was only early afternoon and none of us had anywhere to be so we figured we'd go to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster. As it was the Christmas holidays, the cinema was fairly busy, so the only seats we could get were the extortionately priced sofa seats at the back. I, of course, was sat on a sofa with Justin. I hadn't forgotten about our bet, so I figured I'd take advantage of the situation.

I waited until the theatre was dark and the movie had started before I did anything. My plan was to start out slow and draw it out, of course my plan didn't quite turn out as expected. We were sat side by side, our arms barely touching but I could feel his body heat radiating off him. Without looking at him I placed my hand on his thigh. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Justin had turned to look at me and I resisted the urge to look back. A small smile crept on my lips as I slowly stroked up and down. Justin shifted in his seat as I turned my attention to him. Our gaze locked and I looked at him innocently. A sly smile broke out on his face as he turned his attention back to the movie. I was immediately suspicious and really wished I could read his mind to know what he was thinking.

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