Chapter 22

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This chapter is pure fluff and I'm here for it!

Also this chapter is loooong so you may want to grab a snack and get cozy.



The next morning Justin insisted on picking me up and driving me to school. As soon as I got in the car he leaned over and planted a slow kiss on my lips. "Morning gorgeous." he said with a satisfied smile as he pulled away and started the car. I couldn't help the shy smile that formed on my face at his words.

"Morning. You're in a good mood today." I mused as he started the short drive to school.

"Well of course. How could I not be when I have my beautiful girlfriend at my side?" He said, glancing at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the road. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. Girlfriend. Yes, girlfriend. After a cheeky romp in the sack, a very romantic romp at that, we had a long talk.

~~ The previous day ~~

"So if you've liked me this whole time, why didn't you just say something?" Justin asked as he turned to me and leant up on his elbow so he could look down at me. I sighed and turned to face him.

"Because I didn't know you liked me too, but mostly because I'm scared to put myself in a position where I could get hurt again. The men in my life haven't exactly been trustworthy as of late." I said honestly.

"I understand that. But I hope you know I'd never do something like that to you. I couldn't bare to hurt you." He said softly, his thumb caressing my chin. I wanted to believe him. On some level I did but there was this alarm bell in my head telling me that's what I thought about Charlie. I sighed and rolled onto my back, looking up at my ceiling.

"I know. The rational part of me believes you and trusts you. But I can't lie to you and say that I don't have this voice in my head telling me to keep my guard up and not let you get close enough to hurt me." I said, not looking at him. I groaned in frustration and confusion, covering my head with my hands. I hated feeling this way, I hated feeling conflicted. Justin gently took my hands and pulled them away from my face. I glanced over at him and my heart melted at the sight of him. His warm brown eyes were full of understanding, his brown hair was a little messed up from our previous activities but it just made him look even hotter and his lips curved up in a small smile. His eyes pierced mine, as if he could see right in to my soul. I could see how much he genuinely cared for me in his eyes and it made my heart stop. "But I think it's a little too late for that." I added, reaching out to cup his face in my hand. He placed his hand over mine and placed a little kiss on my palm.

"Well, if it's any consolation, you have all the power to hurt me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let that stop me from being with you. I'm willing to take the risk of being hurt if it gives me even the smallest chance of being happy with you, because you are so worth it." He said sincerely, his eyes never leaving mine. He looked down at our intertwined hands and placed a soft kiss on my knuckles. "What I feel for you is too strong for me to walk away from you. But I understand if you're not ready. I just," he sighed and looked at me again. "I just hope you'll give me, give us, a chance." I stared back at him for a few seconds, a million thoughts rushing through my head. My head was telling me that I should run but my heart was telling me that I belonged right here, with him. Don't they say you should follow your heart? I thought to myself. I could see how he felt for me in his eyes, and I could see he was scared of me rejecting him and how determined he was to prove himself to me.

"I trust you." I said after a short silence. I could see the happiness in his eyes and the sight made my heart swell with emotion.

"So...does this'll be my girlfriend?" Justin asked hesitantly, vulnerability clear in his eyes.

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