Chapter 19

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January passed in a blur. As soon as the Christmas holidays finished it was all go at school. It was a race to finish coursework, cram for mock exams and apply for university. I knew this school year would be busy but I didn't realise just how draining it would be. The up side is that people were too busy thinking about themselves to pay me much attention this past few weeks. I was hoping this was the beginning of everyone forgetting why they hate me so that at least maybe I could end my time at school on a good note. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

It was the end of January now, and today was my birthday. I felt very lucky that it landed on a Friday. So far, I'd heard nothing from my Dad. While the thought stung, I tried my best not to dwell on it. He wasn't important right now.

Phoebe and Oliver had been convincing me for weeks to go clubbing for my birthday. Bearing in mind if we went only Justin, Oliver and I would be legally allowed to drink. That didn't stop most teenagers to be fair though. Especially when fake ID's are a thing. After a lot of persuading I agreed to going clubbing. I figured it could be fun and if I don't enjoy it, we could always leave and get drunk at someone's house instead. Phoebe and I had gone shopping for something to wear for the occasion. Phoebe had picked out a white lace, backless mini dress with long sleeves. I had found a wine coloured, long sleeve mini dress with a deep V neckline and a ruched skirt. Both dresses were tight fitting and a little scandalous, of course. It wouldn't be clubbing attire otherwise. Phoebe and I got ready at my house and we got the bus into town to meet the others. I felt a little nervous but mostly I was excited to dance and laugh with my friends for my birthday. I had told already Justin that there would be no explicit dancing between the two of us.

"I have rules tonight by the way." I said on the phone earlier that day.

"What rules?" Justin asked.

"Well I have one rule. There is to be no seductive or explicit dancing between us tonight." I said firmly. I couldn't face it after what happened last time.

"Between us? So, you're saying you're going to be grinding on other guys, huh?" Justin said jokingly on the other end of the line.

"No! Obviously not. But, you know, if you felt like grinding on other girls then, obviously, you're allowed to do so." I said, instantly regretting it. I didn't want him dancing with other girls at all. Why did you say that you idiot? Now he's going to be dancing with other girls in front of you! The thought of that made me feel slightly nauseous and a pit formed in my stomach.

"I'm good thanks. The only girl I'd want to grind on is I guess I'm dancing with Oliver tonight." Justin said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with him at that thought.

"Now that I'd pay to see!" I said, immediately feeling better that he didn't want to dance with anyone else.

"Of course you would, dirty girl." Justin said with a cheeky edge to his voice. I felt a lot better after my phone call with Justin and the thought of him only wanting to dance with me gave me butterflies.

Phoebe and I had arrived at the club we had all arranged to meet at and, of course, we were the last ones there. As soon as we were all together my friends erupted into song, singing happy birthday to me and pulling me in for a huge group hug. In that moment, I felt so grateful to have such amazing friends who stood by me and loved me for me. I could have burst into happy tears but I didn't want to ruin my makeup.

"Thank you, guys. You all mean so much to me and I'm beyond grateful that I have friends like you to celebrate with." I said sincerely, tears welling up in my eyes. My friend's awed at me and pulled me into another group hug before we headed inside the club.

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