Chapter 15

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When Justin left that night, I made the mistake of turning my phone on and looking at Twitter and Instagram. I was immediately attacked by an onslaught of harassment.

UR disgusting bitch

Seriously you should just kill yourself

Ugly bitch

Lol Amber's really let herself go with a photo taken of me without me knowing at school underneath.

Yo Amber. Wanna bang?

I bet ur not that good bitch

Dunno what all the fuss is about she's ugly anyway

Who'd wanna get with that bitch

I turned my phone off and threw it onto my bed in frustration. I wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my head on my knees. Why does everyone hate me? Maybe I'm better off dead. I thought to myself. My head whipped up. That wasn't a thought I'd ever had before. It was quite scary. I felt my heart rate pick up a little as I processed that thought and decided I didn't want to be alone after that. I went downstairs to sit with Mum, I figured it was time to tell her what had been going on anyway.

"Hey honey." Mum said when I opened the door to the living room. "Justin told me you'd been having some trouble at school, wanna tell me about it?" she patted the space on the sofa next to her for me to sit down.

"Well...I've sort of been labelled as the school slut for basically no reason and now everyone either hates me or is harassing me for sex." I wasn't about to tell my Mum the real reason I'd been dubbed as the school slut. I knew I could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me, but I'd be way too embarrassed to tell her that.

"Is it anyone in particular?" Mum asked.

"It feels like it's pretty much everyone."

"Do any of your teachers know?"

"If they do, they haven't done anything." I said. "I doubt it would do any good anyway. What are they going to do to whole year group? Suspend them all? No because then they'll miss out on class, and get worse grades on their exams and the rating of the school will go down. I'll just have to put up with it until I finish school in a few months." I sighed, defeated.

Mum opened her arms for me to lean over and hug her. "It'll be okay." She said kissing my forehead. "We are too strong for anyone to break us. You'll come out of this stronger and better than all of them."

We stayed up late watching trashy reality TV, Mum's guilty pleasure. Personally, I prefer something with a little more story line. Though all of those shows are scripted anyway. In my opinion they need better writers.

That night when I went to bed, I looked through old photos. It was weird seeing how things used to be, a happy family, a popular boyfriend, a smile on my face. I wish my life was back to the way it used to be. I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

~~~My alarm woke me up at seven in the morning. I reached over blindly as I tried to turn the annoying buzzing off. I groaned as I slid out of bed and to the bathroom. My reflection didn't look like me when I saw myself in the mirror. Well it did, I just looked like I did a few months ago, bright eyed, bushy tailed, not dead behind the eyes. I washed my face and brushed my teeth as normal, neglecting to put any make up on and then got dressed in some old skinny jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. When I opened my bedroom curtains, I was surprised to see my Dad's car in the drive. That's weird. Why would he be here so early? Why would he be here at all?

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