Chapter 8

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Okay so to preface this chapter I wanted to say there is a tiny bit of NSFW in this but barely, you might not even class it as NSFW but I thought I'd warn you anyway. I do have the full 18+ chapter written so if you would like to see that then let me know in the comments or drop me a message. 

With that being said...enjoy ;)


After dancing for a while, Phoebe and I went to the kitchen to re-hydrate. The worst way to get a bad hangover the next day is to spend the whole night drinking and sweating and not drinking any water. Also, I was so hot I really just needed a cold drink. I poured myself and Phoebe a glass of water from the sink which we quickly downed before searching for the boys. We found Oliver and Justin talking about some sport I have no clue about, nor any interest in.

"You guys are being so boring just stood around in here!" said Phoebe as we approached. The kitchen was a lot quieter than the living room so we didn't have t yell to hear each other.

"Yeah well that's because we don't fancy grinding up on each other like you two." Oliver replied wrapping an arm around her waist and giving her a big kiss.

"You don't know what you're missing." I said with a laugh, really hoping they wouldn't start making out right in front of us. That would be too awkward.

"I'm glad you're having a good time." Justin said to me as I watched Phoebe drag Oliver out of the room by the hand. I let out a sigh as I realised my dance partner had left me.

"I am, though it seems my dance partner has ditched me for a better offer." I turned to look at Justin with a smile "Luckily for me though I happen to know a very talented dancer. Come on then Honeybun, show me what you got!" Justin looked at me for a second, placed his cup on the table, then grabbed my hand and lead me to the 'dancefloor'.

Still holding onto my hand Justin twirled me and in one swift motion his hands were on my hips and his chest was pressed against mine. I felt slightly breathless and very impressed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just like that we were dancing, very close together, and I won't lie it felt amazing and surprisingly not awkward. As we danced things started to get a little more heated, our bodies moved together in a not so PG-13 kind of way, and I wasn't complaining. I didn't know if it was the alcohol I'd consumed or if Justin just made me feel comfortable but I was more than happy grinding on him, and I couldn't deny the stupid amount of attraction I felt towards him. I didn't even know it was possible to think someone was as hot as I found Justin.

"Okay, so you've got moves." I said, leaning in to his ear so he could hear me.

"I could say the same for you." He said into my ear, sending a delightful shiver down my spine. I turned around so my back was pressed against his front. I could feel his breath on my neck and his hand around my waist as we grinded to the music. My breath started to quicken, my body felt warm all over and my skin burned under his touch. It all felt so deliciously overwhelming. I wasn't sure if it was just me but you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. At least, I hoped it wasn't just me. I soon found out when Justin pulled me around to face him and smashed his lips against mine in what had to be the most passionate, mind-blowing kiss I'd ever experienced. His lips fit against mine perfectly and when he tugged on my bottom lip with his teeth a small moan escaped my throat. The noise seemed to please him greatly as he smirked against my lips and pulled me closer to his body, one hand coming up to cup the back of my neck so he could deepen the kiss while the other rested on the base of my spine, holding my body firmly against his. My hands moved from his chest to tuck on the hair on the back of his head as his lips devoured mine. I could feel him let out a small groan more than I could hear it and I wished the music wasn't so loud so I could hear the sound properly. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine as he looked me in the eyes, our breathing heavy.

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